Control: reassign -1 grub-efi-amd64

Hi wim,

On Tue, Aug 17, 2021 at 03:22:49PM +0200, wim wrote:
>Package: shim-helpers-amd64-signed
>Version: 1+15.4+5~deb10u1
>Severity: normal
>This is the setup:

OK, this is a problem being reported by grub-install, called by
shim-helpers-amd64-signed as it's installed. Reassigning to one of the
grub packages.

># df -h
>Bestandssysteem                        Grootte Gebruikt Besch Geb% 
>Aangekoppeld op
>udev                                       32G        0   32G   0% /dev
>tmpfs                                     6,3G      13M  6,3G   1% /run
>/dev/mapper/root_ssd-lv_root_ssd_crypt    1,9T     1,6T  152G  92% /
>tmpfs                                      32G      92K   32G   1% /dev/shm
>tmpfs                                     5,0M     4,0K  5,0M   1% /run/lock
>tmpfs                                      32G        0   32G   0% 
>/dev/loop0                                165M     165M     0 100% 
>/dev/loop1                                100M     100M     0 100% 
>/dev/nvme1n1p1                            504M     368M  112M  77% /boot
>/dev/loop2                                 72M      72M     0 100% 
>/dev/nvme0n1p1                            511M      49M  463M  10% /boot/efi
>/dev/loop4                                159M     159M     0 100% 
>/dev/loop3                                163M     163M     0 100% 
>/dev/loop6                                 56M      56M     0 100% 
>/dev/loop5                                 56M      56M     0 100% 
>/dev/loop8                                100M     100M     0 100% 
>/dev/loop7                                 66M      66M     0 100% 
>/dev/loop9                                151M     151M     0 100% 
>/dev/loop10                               128K     128K     0 100% 
>/dev/loop11                                65M      65M     0 100% 
>/dev/loop12                                42G      42G     0 100% 
>/dev/loop13                                72M      72M     0 100% 
>/dev/sdb1                                 3,6T     3,2T  307G  92% 
>/dev/mapper/data_1T                       856G     254G  558G  32% /data_1T
>tmpfs                                     6,3G      64K  6,3G   1% 
>/dev/mmcblk0p1                            3,7G      64K  3,7G   1% 
>/dev/sr0                                   88M      88M     0 100% 
>So /boot/efi and /boot have free space

Nod. The problem is that your system is failing to create/update an
EFI boot variable in its NVRAM. The most common issue that causes this
is system log reports in /sys/fs/pstore/ . Could you check and see if
there are any files there please?

Steve McIntyre, Cambridge, UK.                      
"I can't ever sleep on planes ... call it irrational if you like, but I'm
 afraid I'll miss my stop" -- Vivek Das Mohapatra

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