If I installed the libjpeg62-turbo from Debian Buster, the
"automatically select filename
extension (.jfif)" would change into "automatically select filename

I suspect it is the problem with libjpeg62-turbo.

On Sun, 2021-08-29 at 13:17 +0100, Ian Goddard wrote:
> On Sun, 29 Aug 2021 10:27:30 +0200 Francesco <harpom...@alice.it>
> wrote:
> > Package: gwenview
> > Version: 4:21.08.0-1
> > Followup-For: Bug #992918
> > 
> > Dear Maintainer,
> > 
> > *** Reporter, please consider answering these questions, where
> > appropriate ***
> > 
> >    * What led up to the situation?
> >    Maybe a shared QT library bug, not only gwenview is affected
> Kolourpaint is also affected.
> I noticed that for both Gwenview & Kolourpaint when the format JPEG
> is 
> selected on the save menu the file extension is set to .jpe rather
> than 
> .jpeg or .jpg.   Correcting the extension doesn't resolve the problem
> but maybe this is a quirk of the same library.
> Krita is not affected.

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