X-Debbugs-CC: t...@debian.org
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在 2021-09-07星期二的 03:31 -0300,Leandro Cunha写道:
> X-Debbugs-CC: by...@debian.org
> > I believe what you are doing is exactly called "packaging hijacking",
> > which is
> > unfavorable. Since the original maintainer did not volunteerly orphan the
> > package and that the Debian MIA Team did not kick in, we must not assume
> > that
> > the original package maintainer has given up the maintenance
> > responsibility.
> > 
> > Debian has a readily-available process to handle current situation (ITS)
> > and I
> > believe you also know it. We should follow this procedure to take over
> > package
> > maintenance in order to ensure smooth takeover where no argument would
> > take
> > place.
> > 
> > My suggestion is to convert this orphaning report to ITS report and start
> > ITS
> > process immediately according to
> > https://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/developers-reference/pkgs.html#package-salvaging
> > .
> > 
> > This mail copy is also sent to the original package maintainer (Franck
> > Joncourt). Franck: please let us know whether you are still going to
> > maintain
> > this package in Debian. If there's no response, we will continue with the
> > ITS
> > process and take over the maintenance of package psad in Debian.
> > 
> > Thanks,
> > Boyuan Yang
> He was a maintainer of fwsnort according to the bug report [1]. That's
> where I made this decision. I was in doubt if the package is orphaned
> directly or needs to go through ITS. But I've never seen this before and
> seeing bug reports like this that the package has simply been orphaned.
> I had emailed him, let's not fill his inbox.
> I have a little over a year and I'm still learning to deal with situations.
> And yes, I've read the documentation, link below:
> https://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/developers-reference/pkgs.en.html#orphaning-a-package
> [1] https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=831274

I just reviewed the information, and the logic seems to be like this:

* Package psad listed Franck Joncourt <franck.jonco...@gmail.com> as the

* Franck Joncourt has multiple email addresses known to Debian as shown in
https://qa.debian.org/developer.php?login=franck.joncourt%40gmail.com ,
including the one called fra...@debian.org ,

* Looking at fra...@debian.org , Franck's role as Debian Developer has ended (
https://nm.debian.org/person/franck/ shows emeritus status since 2015),

* The Debian QA/MIA Team should have filed bugs to all packages Franck
previously maintained to remove the name from package maintenance, and it
indeed happened in https://bugs.debian.org/831274 . However, since Franck was
not using the debian.org email for package psad, package psad was not covered.

In this case, I think orphaning the package looks reasonable. CC-ing tobi
(from MIA Team) about this issue: I believe we also need more bug reports on
packages on
https://qa.debian.org/developer.php?login=franck.joncourt%40gmail.com to have
the name removed from package uploaders list.

Boyuan Yang

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