On Sun, 12 Sep 2021 at 20:17:36 +0100, Simon McVittie wrote:
> According to
> https://release.debian.org/transitions/html/auto-upperlimit-gnome-shell.html
> it might be necessary to remove
> gnome-shell-extension-easyscreencast_1.1.0+git20210116.3252312-1 from
> testing if #993061 cannot be fixed soon. The other packages with an upper
> limit have already been uploaded to unstable and will hopefully transition
> reasonably smoothly.

Looking at the migration excuses for gnome-shell, I think we will need
something more like this:

remove gnome-shell-extension-dashtodock/69-1
remove gnome-shell-extension-desktop-icons/20.04.0+git20200908-8
remove gnome-shell-extension-easyscreencast/1.1.0+git20210116.3252312-1

I'm not sure why the first two would block migration since they don't have
an upper limit on their version numbers, but those extensions haven't been
ported to gnome-shell 40, so they aren't going to work in practice anyway.

Unfortunately this transition has got caught behind glibc, so will likely
take a while to migrate. This seems to be a bug in glibc's mipsel symbols
file (I'll open a bug for that).


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