I will retest when I upgrade to current stable which should happen in the next 
few days.


On 15/09/2021 15:38, Badlop wrote:

On Fri, 15 Mar 2019 at 17:42, Anton Ivanov
<anton.iva...@kot-begemot.co.uk> wrote:
All files exist, retried several times with files both in /tmp/ and in
/var/lib/jabberd/ no difference in either case. It failes with "Table
config" message.
I tried this old report, using a recent ejabberd, and it works
correctly. Maybe the problem was related to some old bug?

For testing I set your hosts in /etc/hosts and the erlang node names
in ejabberdctl.cfg, to obtain a scenario similar to yours.

Some output, in case it gives some clue:

❯ ejabberdctl mnesia-change-nodename ejabberd@smaug
ejabb...@jabber.kot-begemot.co.uk /tmp/e/ejabberd.backup

  * Checking table: 'roster'
    + Checking key: 'ram_copies'
    + Checking key: 'disc_copies'
    + Checking key: 'disc_only_copies'
      - Replacing nodename: 'ejabberd@smaug' with:


  * Checking table: 'push_session'
    + Checking key: 'ram_copies'
    + Checking key: 'disc_copies'
    + Checking key: 'disc_only_copies'
      - Replacing nodename: 'ejabberd@smaug' with:

❯ ls -la
total 124
-rw-r--r--  1 badlop badlop 22950 de set.  15 16:17 ejabberd.backup
-rw-r--r--  1 badlop badlop 23748 de set.  15 16:19 ejabberd.restore

❯ ejabberdctl registered_users localhost

❯ ejabberdctl restore /tmp/e/ejabberd.restore

❯ ejabberdctl registered_users localhost

By the way, a quick and dirty alternative is to not bother changing
the mnesia backup nodename, instead tell the new erlang node to use
the old node name (using ejabberdctl.cfg ERLANG_NODE)

Anton R. Ivanov

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