Indeed. qa.d.o betrays me.

The answer to this was delayed because I considered several times what
it should actually be.

The _python_ side of ipywidgets has never been a problem, but the
JS/browser side has grown in complexity considerably in recent years,
and shows little sign of slowing down.

The debian javascript situation has improved somewhat - it was possible
to significantly simplify the labyrinthine custom build infinity0 did
for ipywidgets 6 in 6.0.0-8 to mostly use logic from pkg-js-tools, and
having recent versions of eg, webpack helps a lot. I don't think however
there is really a useful way of providing "only" the python side of
ipywidgets in debian. It's already a concern that needing to unvendor
javascript and hack build processes results in a substandard experience
in eg, jupyter-notebook, and I don't think it's viable to ship
ipywidgets unless we can get something resembling full functionality.

The javascript side is blocked on jupyterlab (#934258). I know jpuydt
has done some work on it in the past, but I don't know the current
state. Some other signficant building blocks like lumino (ex-phosphorjs)
are now packaged.

It might be possible to vendor only the needed bits of jupyterlab, as
was recently necessary in jupyter-notebook (CVE fix requiring multiple
new dependencies), but I think that illustrates the issue. While the
python side of jupyter proves tractable, the web application side is a
large, fast moving target which I have concerns about our ability to
really keep up and provide a good user experience.

I will certainly _attempt_ to get ipywidgets up to date during this
cycle. But given missing dependencies and the time likely to be
required, I don't think I can guarantee it. If it cannot be updated in a
reasonable period of time, I think the question of whether it is better
to drop it might arise. I appreciate there are dependencies, although I
think most of them are ultimately optional.


On Sun, Sep 19, 2021 at 10:52:39PM -0400, Sandro Tosi wrote:
> Hello Gordon,
> you've been active uploading several packages of the ipython stack in
> the last few days: can you provide an update regarding ipywidgets too?
> thanks
> On Sun, Sep 12, 2021 at 12:01 PM Sandro Tosi <> wrote:
> >
> > Hello Gordon,
> >
> > On Sat, 21 Apr 2018 10:55:29 +0200 Tobias Hansen <> wrote:
> > > Sagemath 8.2 uses ipywidgets 7 [1] and using version 6 causes about 80 
> > > doctests to fail.
> >
> > do you have any plan to update ipywidgets to 7+ anytime soon? the
> > upstream version currently in sid is severely outdated, being released
> > more than 4 years ago!
> >
> > Several packages are requiring ipywidgets 7 and the lack of it in
> > Debian is hold several maintainers back from updating their packages
> > (I have 3 myself alone).
> >
> > This bug was open more than 3 years ago: please provide an update on a
> > timeline for ipywidgets 7 for debian, so that we can plan accordingly.
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Sandro
> -- 
> Sandro "morph" Tosi
> My website:
> Me at Debian:
> Twitter:

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