On Monday 24 April 2006 22:07, Elimar Riesebieter wrote:
> On Mon, 24 Apr 2006 the mental interface of Peder Chr. Nørgaard  told:

Hmm, "mental"...?  I wasn't aware that I used ESP!

> [...]
> > But I fear that the problem may not be exclusively related to ALSA.  I
> > downgraded all the alsa packages
> Again:
> There is a bug in /etc/init.d/alsa-utils. Since next upload please change
You do mean "Until next upload ....", right?  "Bis nächste..", not "Seit 

> # Exit silently if package is no longer installed
> [ -d /lib/alsa-utils ] || exit 0
> to
> # Exit silently if package is no longer installed
> # [ -d /lib/alsa-utils ] || exit 0

Sorry to say - I did this change - but it doesn't change anything.  I still 
don't have any sound!

>AFAIK kde uses a sond daemon called arts ore something like that. Try to kill
>the daemon (I think can be done in the kcc) and use jack or pure alsa then.

KDE certainly uses a sound daemon called arts.  I haven't got the foggiest 
about how to kill it and use anything else.  And I am not really interested.  
I may be a little rough here, but with KDE being one of the two major 
desktops in Debian GNU/Linux, I certainly expect the sound system to work 
with arts. It did so until yesterday!  And arts hasn't been upgraded.

Not saying that I am unwilling to assist in hunting down the bug.  I just 
don't feel very competent - I will need a lot of assistance.

best regards
Peder Chr. Nørgaard     e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Gefionsvej 19           spejder-e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
DK-8230 Åbyhøj          tel: +45 87 44 11 99
Denmark                 mob: +45 30 91 84 31

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