Thank you Moritz for forwarding the bug report.

Josef, Philippe, can you provide further information, such as Apache configuration excerpts, and details about your apache/uwsgi setup?

I did not experience issues with my tests using a simple Django application (cf. )
so currently I cannot reproduce the problem.

Sylvain Beucler
Debian LTS Team

On 05/10/2021 10:36, Moritz Mühlenhoff wrote:
reassign 995368 uwsgi

Am Fri, Oct 01, 2021 at 04:16:05PM +0200 schrieb Josef Kejzlar, wpj s.r.o.:
I can confirm this regression.
After unattended security upgrades got applied during the night, all
our applications stopped working.

There is wrong request path sent to uwsgi server. Some times
duplicated leading slash.

I would classify this as critical problem, all servers using uwsgi and
libapache2-mod-proxy-uwsgi stopped working after secuity update.

Hi Philippe and Josef,
thanks for reporting! This isn't a bug in Apache (source package name
apache2), but got introduced by an update in the uwsgi source package
(which is admittedly confusing since both build Apache modules with uwsgi
in their name).

I'm reassigning the bug and adding the debian-lts list to pick this up.

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