
I'm a regular user of epiphany-browser and would really appreciate if
version 3.38.6 could be updated in bullseye-updates.

It contains useful bug-fixes only:


3.38.6 - August 12, 2021

 * Fix UI process CPU usage issue (#1560)

3.38.5 - June 4, 2021

 * Fix crash when importing bookmarks from Firefox (!949)
 * Fix memory corruption in history dialog (!960)
 * Fix crash when checking for modified forms (!962)

3.38.4 - April 29, 2021

 * Allow launching external URLs when triggered by user action (#1385)
 * Fix untranslatable string in security popover (#1478)
 * Remove bad assert added in 3.38.3 (!941)

3.38.3 - March 12, 2021

 * Fix crash when signing out of Firefox Sync account (#1342)
 * Fix crash when using broken remove button on history dialog (#1417)
 * Fix particular search queries mistaken as addresses (#1418)
 * Fix loss of session state on window close with unresponsive web
process (#1445)
 * Fix overaggressive popup blocking (#1467)
 * Pre-filled text in search field should be initially selected (!887,
Benjamin Berg)

Thanks a lot

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