Hi Paul (2021.10.10_18:38:03_+0000)
> > Unfortunately executing any confined snapped binaries outputs a line on
> > stderr:
> >> WARNING: cgroup v2 is not fully supported yet, proceeding with partial 
> >> confinement
> Does this happen on all suites? I thought bullseye defaults to cgroup
> v2, so it would surprise me a bit if it would be an error there.

Yes, this was happening pre-bullseye, too. (And, in fact, there were
several other issues with lxd images in bullseye that have since been
resolved, I don't know what the state is in the release.)

The issue is that snap is warning that it doesn't completely support
cgroup v2, yet. But it does work.

See #934372 etc.


Stefano Rivera
  +1 415 683 3272

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