On Sun, Oct 10, 2021 at 10:51:13PM +0200, Thomas Liske wrote:
> Hi,
> could you please provide the output of `needrestart -lv`?


$ sudo needrestart -lv
[main] eval /etc/needrestart/needrestart.conf
[main] needrestart v3.5
[main] running in root mode
[Core] Using UI 'NeedRestart::UI::stdio'...
[main] systemd detected
[main] #968 uses deleted /memfd:vmem
[main] #968 is not a child
[Core] #2617 is a NeedRestart::Interp::Python
[Python] #2617: source=/home/terceiro/src/localslackirc/irc.py
[Core] #65382 is a NeedRestart::Interp::Python
[Python] #65382: source=/usr/bin/terminator
[Core] #90184 is a NeedRestart::Interp::Python
[Python] #90184: 
[Core] #90219 is a NeedRestart::Interp::Perl
[Perl] #90219: source=/usr/bin/dpkg-buildpackage
[Core] #90247 is a NeedRestart::Interp::Perl
[Perl] #90247: source=/usr/bin/dh
[Core] #90274 is a NeedRestart::Interp::Python
[Python] #90274: 
[Core] #92031 is a NeedRestart::Interp::Python
[Python] #92031: source file not found, skipping
[Python] #92031:  reduced ARGV: install --system 
[main] #968 exe => /usr/lib/erlang/erts-12.0.4/bin/beam.smp
[main] trying systemctl status
[main] #968 is rabbitmq-server.service

Restarting services...
Services to be restarted:
Restart «rabbitmq-server.service»? [Ynas?] n
Service restarts being deferred:
 systemctl restart rabbitmq-server.service

No containers need to be restarted.

No user sessions are running outdated binaries.

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