[Rene Engelhard]
>> Rene, do you need a co-maintainer for this package?  I might be able to
>> help out a bit.
> Sure, could do. Busy with other packages (and using muttprint only
> seldomly by now.)

Very good.

>>   If so, what about maintaining it using gbp-buildpackage
>> under <URL: https://salsa.debian.org/debian >?
> Could do.
> (Actually I forgot how to properly move stuff in salsa, though; added
> you as maintainer now).

I still remember how, and can do it in the next few days.  One key
question is if you already have a git repository (or some other VCS) for
the package we should migrate, or if I should rebuild one from scratch
using git-buildpackage?  The latter option include importing the history
as uploaded to unstable.

> You can also take it over completely if you wish :-)

It would not be a good idea. :)

Happy hacking
Petter Reinholdtsen

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