Package: dpkg
Version: 1.20.9

Apt somewhat recently added the ability for an invocation of apt to
wait until the db lock which was held by another apt instance is
released[1]. It would be nice to have similar functionality in dpkg. I
propose two solutions.

The simplest and least work, is to return an error code indicating that
a dpkg exited due to a lock already being held (exit code 3 is the next
available). This allows scripts to know that dpkg failed due to a held
lock and can then do its own retry logic. Currently the returned error
doesn't allow the caller to determine that the failure was due to a
held lock (yes, output could be parsed, but that's a big hack).

The second solution is to add an option, perhaps -w and --wait <nsec>,
which tells dpkg to wait a specified amount of time to the lock to be
released. If the timeout is exceeded the exit code should be unique to
a failure due to a held lock, as in the first solution. Otherwise,
dpkg should try to grab the lock and perform the requested action.



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