Hi Paul

Paul Gevers <elb...@debian.org> writes:

> Hi Nicolas,
> Thanks you, but as I detect these issues in an automatic way without
> much manual labor, I don't need the credits :). And I uploaded to
> DELAYED exactly to give others the opportunity to fix it before me, so
> uploading to DELAYED in my opinion *always* has that ACK implied.

Thank you for providing the opportunity to respond, and ok, as you
prefer! :-)

> I have pasted the diff below, but for such a no change NMU, I'd just
> ignore it if I were you. It's not interesting especially if you beat the
> upload anyways.


> I can (and will try) to cancel my upload, but it's rather harmless if I
> fail because it will indeed be rejected if there is already an newer
> version in the suite and you'll only get a reject e-mail about it (which
> can still be annoying, so I'll try and cancel).

Ok, thank you for the guidance, and for a positive first "receiving an
NMU proposal" experience :-)  I'll upload momentarily.  For the record,
from the package maintainer perspective: good communication on the BTS,
integrating the proposed change, and uploading without cancelling the
NMU upload is the best social practice?  I'd like to keep things
positive, you know?


P.S. I won't be annoyed by the rejection email for -3.1.

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