
Le 20/10/2021 à 18:05, Dimitri John Ledkov a écrit :
> Hi,
> I've tried to reproduce this more 
Thanks, I appreciate it!
> and I have a few questions:
> 1) what is the version of debootstrap ?
1.0.123 (bullseye & sid)
> 2) do any config files divert as to which debootstrap's `functions`
> file is used ?


A few hooks but nothing relevant I think:


> 3) what settings do you have in /tmp/configfile ?
Nothing relevant I think:

# pbuilder config file generated by jenkins-debian-glue on Mon Oct 11 21:54:58 
UTC 2021
# Building for Ubuntu detected, enabling universe repository component to work 
around cowdancer issue:
COMPONENTS="main universe"

> I'm trying to eliminate a case where new scripts/impish is used that
> sets AR extractor, and yet old functions file is used which doesn't
> know how to zstdcat in the AR extractor.
> ie.
> ```
> $ grep zstdcat /usr/share/debootstrap/functions
> control.tar.zst) cat_cmd=zstdcat ;;
> data.tar.zst) cat_cmd=zstdcat ;;
> ```
> I'm not sure what in your case is listed in /tmp/configfile. I assume
> that one thing is pointer to the custom mirror.

Thanks for the infos!

The full log is available here:




Please let me know if there is anything I can do to test :)



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