Control: reassign -1 python3-typed-ast
Control: severity -1 serious

Matthias Klose <> writes:
> On 11/8/21 21:34, Russ Allbery wrote:

>> Python 3.9.8 breaks python3-typed-ast:
>> % python3 -c 'from typed_ast import _ast3'
>> Traceback (most recent call last):
>>   File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
>> ImportError: 
>> /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/typed_ast/
>>  undefined symbol: _PyUnicode_DecodeUnicodeEscape
>> Downgrading to Python 3.9.7-4 fixes the problem.  This also happens with
>> typed-ast installed directly via pip in a virtualenv.
>> I'm not sure if this is a bug in Python or in typed-ast.  Starting here
>> under the assumption that patch releases should be backward-compatible
>> since this looks like a missing symbol problem in the libpython shared
>> library, but if typed-ast is doing something it shouldn't, perhaps this
>> should be reassigned.

> The symbol is marked as an internal symbol (starting with an underscore), so
> this should be a private symbol.  However typed-ast is using that directly in
> the code.  I would say the issue is more on the side of typed-ast.

> You already filed

> and
> talks about the end-of-live for that module.

Yup, agreed, reassigning.  My apologies, I should have come back and
reassigned this bug after I had dug further and figured out this bug
happened with generic upstream for both, and that typed-ast is deprecated.

python3-typed-ast rdepends are mypy (the current version no longer appears
to use it) and prospector.  black also used to use it but doesn't any more
(and there's no dependency there in Debian).

I suspect we should just drop typed-ast from the distribution during this
development cycle.

Russ Allbery (              <>

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