On 11/10/21 5:51 PM, Noah Meyerhans wrote:
> On Wed, Nov 10, 2021 at 05:05:12PM +0100, Martin Zobel-Helas wrote:
>> Due to an update on the Azure side, it would be helpful to support the
>> newer API version of IMDS within cloud-init, a patch, that didn't make
>> it to stable, as of the time the change was made, changes on cloud-init
>> weren't allowed in the Debian freeze process.
>> The proposed change can be found here:
>> https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/pull/884/, though the patch on
>> Github will not apply cleanly directly on the version of cloud-init in
>> stable. I would be willing to prepare a more clean patch for that.
> Could we also get the fix for
> https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=979974 into stable at
> the same time?  (Assuming it's actually needed; if you could help with
> confirmation of that it would be good.)
>> Also this code only affects one cloud vendor and should not break stuff
>> on other cloud vendors platform. It only adds information for IMDS.
> Agreed, I think the SRMs will be OK with this.  We should show as much
> evidence of testing as is practical to help ease any concerns that they
> may have.
>> Would this be a patch we would agree to be carried through the full
>> release cycle of Debian 11?
> It looks reasonable to me.
> noah


As per the discussion on Jitsi last evening, if you provide the patches,
I can attempt to fix the package in Stable.


Thomas Goirand (zigo)

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