On 11/11/2021 16.31, Sylvestre Ledru wrote:
It seems to be an upstream issue, isn't it?

If so, please report it upstream.

How do I make a useful bug report upstream if the compiler is used as a library (that was probably not clearly mentioned in my initial report) and I have no clue what code it is going to compile or what options are used to do so. Can I somehow make llvm dump its state s.t. I can try to reproduce the error by invoking the compiler on the command line? Is there some way to trace all calls into the compiler library to be able to replay (and maybe reduce) them to reproduce the error condition?

For the actual test case I only know that clBuildProgram() (from libOpenCL.so.1) does not return. That calls into (dlopened) libpocl.so.2 and that calls into the llvm compiler library.


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