
Mauro Sacchetto wrote:
> that is (more or less): "Impossible to block unity".

"unit", maybe ? The device.

> After Brasero fails, it's impossible to erase the CD with K3,

Either Brasero did its evil deed before trying to lock the unità or the
failure to do so did not prevent further access to the drive.

Do i get it right that you ordered Brasero to copy the CD to an
image file, not a second CD/DVD/BD drive ?

Something in Brasero's own activities for drive and medium inspection
must be to blame. I will try the "Copy" task with fvwm tomorrow,
just to be sure that it's not about the desktops.

I wrote:
> > (How stupid can Brasero and udisks become ? Is there any limit ?)

Simon McVittie wrote:
> My understanding is that udisks does not automatically mount anything on
> its own

Indeed it looks like that. With fvwm instead of XFCE the pop-up windows
and the automounting don't happen. My apologies towards udisks.

> If you're using a purely XFCE system, thunar-volman is probably the
> component responsible for mounting removable media.

So curses towards thunar-volman ... and an apology because this is
off-topic now that i have seen the problem with fvwm, too.

Two of my questions in
are answered:
- Would it happen without desktop ? = Yes.
- Is the XFCE (?) window involved which offers a file manger even for
  blank CDs when they get inserted ? = No

There are no indications that automats outside of Brasero have a stake
in the problem.

Have a nice day :)


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