On Wed, Nov 17, 2021 at 01:31:33PM +0100, Johannes Schauer Marin Rodrigues 
> Quoting Bill Allombert (2021-11-17 13:06:09)
> > > 1. "they are not normally used by the Debian autobuilders" should instead
> > >    be "they are never used by the Debian autobuilders" or it should state
> > >    when they are used and when they are not
> > 
> > If the base system on top of which the build-dependencies are to be
> > installed already include one of the alternative then it is used in
> > preference to the others.
> But this is not what happens on the buildds. Sbuild munges all alternatives in
> B-D, B-D-I and B-D-A irrespective of the packages that are already installed
> and only passes the resulting meta-package to apt which cannot know anymore of
> the original alternatives.

... but it does not remove the already installed alternatives,
so the Alternative is not used even though the alternative package is
installed ?

This footnote might not be the best place to document the precise
behaviour of autobuilders (which currently is outside the scope of
policy). On the other hand, having a fully specified build process
could reduce build variability and make builds more reproducible.

Bill. <ballo...@debian.org>

Imagine a large red swirl here. 

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