On Fri, Nov 26, 2021 at 08:00:21AM -0800, Felix Lechner wrote:
> On Thu, Nov 25, 2021 at 10:57 PM Marc Haber
> <mh+debian-packa...@zugschlus.de> wrote:
> > in a yet unpublished branch of the aide package
> > (https://salsa.debian.org/debian/aide),
> Would you please attach your unpublished d/copyright and d/changelog
> files to this bug? I'll make them part of our test suite and resolve
> the issue there. Thanks!

It is published now, and the files are attached.


Marc Haber         | "I don't trust Computers. They | Mailadresse im Header
Leimen, Germany    |  lose things."    Winona Ryder | Fon: *49 6224 1600402
Nordisch by Nature |  How to make an American Quilt | Fax: *49 6224 1600421
Format: https://www.debian.org/doc/packaging-manuals/copyright-format/1.0/
Upstream-Name: aide
Upstream-Contact: Hannes von Haugwitz <han...@vonhaugwitz.com>
Upstream-Source: https://github.com/aide/aide/releases

Files: *
Copyright: 1999-2002 Rami Lehti <ram...@cs.tut.fi>,
                     Pablo Virolainen <pa...@cs.tut.fi>
           2003-2009 Richard van den Berg <rich...@vdberg.org>,
                     Rami Lehti <ram...@ipi.fi>,
                     Pablo Virolainen <pa...@ipi.fi>
           2010-2019 Hannes von Haugwitz <han...@vonhaugwitz.com>,
                     Richard van den Berg <rich...@vdberg.org>,
                     Rami Lehti <ram...@ipi.fi>,
                     Pablo Virolainen <pa...@ipi.fi>
License: GPL-2+

Files: debian/*
Copyright: 2000-2005 Mike Markley <m...@markley.org>
           2005-2021 Marc Haber <mh+debian-packa...@zugschlus.de>
           2010-2021 Hannes von Haugwitz <han...@vonhaugwitz.con>
License: GPL-2+

Files: debian/aideinit
Copyright: 2003-2005 Mike Markley <m...@markley.org>
           2005-2021 Marc Haber <mh+debian-packa...@zugschlus.de>
           2010 Hannes von Haugwitz <han...@vonhaugwitz.con>
License: bsd-like-1
 This script is free for any purpose whatseoever so long as the
 above copyright notice remains in place.

Files: debian/po/cs.po
Copyright: 2006 Miroslav Kure <ku...@debian.cz>
License: GPL-2+
Comment: File is not explicitly licensed

Files: debian/po/da.po
Copyright: 2010 aide & nedenstående oversættere
        Morten Brix Pedersen <mor...@wtf.dk>, 2005
        Joe Hansen <joedalt...@yahoo.dk>, 2010
License: GPL-2+

Files: debian/po/de.po
Copyright: 2004-2006 Erik Schanze
License: GPL-2+
Comment: File is not explicitly licensed

Files: debian/po/el.po
Copyright: 2004 Konstantinos Margaritis
License: GPL-2+
Comment: File is not explicitly licensed

Files: debian/po/es.po
Copyright: 2006 Rudy Godoy <r...@kernel-panik.org>
        2021 Camaleón <noela...@gmail.com>
License: GPL-2+

Files: debian/po/fr.po
Copyright: 2005 Christian Perrier <bubu...@debian.org>
        2006 Gregory Colpart <r...@evolix.fr>
License: GPL-2+
Comment: File is not explicitly licensed

Files: debian/po/it.po
Copyright: 2010 Mark Caglienzi <mark.caglie...@gmail.com>
License: GPL-2+

Files: debian/po/nl.po
Copyright: 2006 Bart Cornelis <cob...@linux.be>
License: GPL-2+
Comment: File is not explicitly licensed

Files: debian/po/pl.po
Copyright: 2006 Marcin Owsiany <porri...@debian.org>
License: GPL-2+

Files: debian/po/pt_BR.po
Copyright: 2006 André Luís Lopes <andre...@debian.org>
License: GPL-2+
Comment: File is not explicitly licensed

Files: debian/po/pt.po
Copyright: 2005 Marco Ferra <mfe...@sdf.lonestar.org>
        2021 Miguel Figueiredo <el...@debianpt.org>
License: GPL-2+

Files: debian/po/ru.po
Copyright: 2006 Yuri Kozlov <kozlo...@gmail.com>
License: GPL-2+
Comment: File is not explicitly licensed

Files: debian/po/sv.po
Copyright: 2006 Daniel Nylander <p...@danielnylander.se>
License: GPL-2+
Comment: File is not explicitly licensed

Files: debian/po/vi.po
Copyright: 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc. (sic!)
        2005-2006 Clytie Siddall <cly...@riverland.net.au>
License: GPL-2+
Comment: File is not explicitly licensed

Files: debian/po/zh_TW.po
Copyright: 2005 Asho Yeh <a...@debian.org.tw>
License: GPL-2+
Comment: File is not explicitly licensed

Files: include/aide.h
Copyright: 1999-2006, 2009-2013, 2015-2016, 2019-2021 Rami Lehti,
        Pablo Virolainen, Richard van den Berg, Hannes von Haugwitz
License: GPL-2+

Files: include/db_list.h
Copyright: 1999-2002, 2006, 2010 Rami Lehti,
        Pablo Virolainen, Richard van den Berg
License: GPL-2+

Files: include/be.h
Copyright: 1999-2002, 2010-2011, 2019-2021 Rami Lehti,
        Pablo Virolainen, Hannes von Haugwitz
License: GPL-2+

Files: src/aide.c
Copyright: 1999-2007, 2009-2013, 2015-2021 Rami Lehti,
        Pablo Virolainen, Mike Markley, Richard van den Berg,
        Hannes von Haugwitz
License: GPL-2+

Files: src/symboltable.c
Copyright: 1999-2002, 2005-2006 Rami Lehti, Pablo Virolainen,
        Richard van den Berg
License: GPL-2+

Files: include/locale-aide.h
Copyright: 1999-2002 Rami Lehti, Pablo Virolainen
License: GPL-2+

Files: include/conf_ast.h
Copyright: 2015-2016, 2019-2021 Hannes von Haugwitz
License: GPL-2+

Files: include/types.h
Copyright: 1998 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
License: GPL-2+

Files: include/getopt.h
Copyright: 1987, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98
        Free Software Foundation, Inc.
License: LGPL-2+

Files: include/base64.h
Copyright: 1994 Swedish University Network (SUNET)
        Modified by Rami Lehti (C) 1999
License: GPL-2+

Files: include/fopen.h src/fopen.c
Copyright: 2003 Simtec Electronics
 Re-implemented by Vincent Sanders <vi...@kyllikki.org> with extensive
 reference to original curl example code
 Modified for aide by Hannes von Haugwitz <han...@vonhaugwitz.com>
 based on modifications of previous version by Pablo Virolainen
License: BSD-3-clause-like
 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
 modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
 are met:
 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
    documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products
    derived from this software without specific prior written permission.

License: GPL-2+
 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 (at your option) any later version.
 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 GNU General Public License for more details.
 A copy of the GNU General Public License, version 2, can be found in
 /usr/share/common-licenses/GPL-2 or in the COPYING file included with the

License: LGPL-2+
 This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
 License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
 version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 Library General Public License for more details.
 A copy of the GNU Library General Public License, version 2, can
 be found in /usr/share/common-licenses/LGPL-2.
aide (0.17.3-5~1) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium


 -- Marc Haber <mh+debian-packa...@zugschlus.de>  Mon, 14 Jun 2021 07:29:54 

aide (0.17.3-4) unstable; urgency=medium

  * Debian has switched to keeping only 4 rotations of syslog instead of 7.
    See rsyslog@651236c2. Thanks to Adam Jacobs (Closes: #989044)

 -- Marc Haber <mh+debian-packa...@zugschlus.de>  Thu, 13 May 2021 23:11:32 

aide (0.17.3-3) unstable; urgency=medium

  * move log rotation compression suffix to a variable
  * add missing + in regexp in 31_aide_systemd_sessions
  * add code to remove x bit from 31_aide_sudo.
    Thanks to Adam L Jacobs (Closes: 988438)

 -- Marc Haber <mh+debian-packa...@zugschlus.de>  Thu, 13 May 2021 21:43:41 

aide (0.17.3-2) unstable; urgency=low

  * small fixes to rules:
    - 10_aide_year
    - 31_aide_postgresql
    - 31_aide_systemd
    - 31/70_aide_dev
    - 31_aide_udev
    - 31_aide_lvm2
    - 31_aide_openvpn-server
    - 31_aide_postgresql
  * small fixes in cron Job:
    - process "no lock" error from aide
    - re-word and clarify some error message
    - give more information about cronjob internal errors
    - use a better name for the temporary file
  * small fixes in build process:
    - use dpkg/default.mk
    - remove unused buildpackage variable
    - straighten COMMON_CONFIGURE_ARGS to a define
    - strip configure args
    - dpkg-buildflags use export=cmdline instead of export=configure

 -- Marc Haber <mh+debian-packa...@zugschlus.de>  Mon, 05 Apr 2021 10:07:37 

aide (0.17.3-1) unstable; urgency=medium

  * New upstream version 0.17.3
  * 31_aide_dev: improvements
  * 31_aide_man: add uk manpages
  * new portuguese translation.
    Thanks to Miguel Figueiredo

 -- Marc Haber <mh+debian-packa...@zugschlus.de>  Thu, 11 Feb 2021 07:05:56 

aide (0.17.2-2) unstable; urgency=medium

  * remove x bits from unchanged 31_aide_smokeping
  * fix obvious errors in:
    * 31_aide_exim4_exiscan
    * 31_aide_icinga2
    * 31_aide_php-fpm
    * 31_aide_systemd-journald

 -- Marc Haber <mh+debian-packa...@zugschlus.de>  Sun, 07 Feb 2021 09:24:57 

aide (0.17.2-1) unstable; urgency=medium

  [ Marcin Owsiany ]
  * Add missing copyright and license information to pl.po

  [ Marc Haber ]
  * new upstream version 0.17.2
  * update debian/copyright (polish translation)
  * create /run/aide on boot, handle the directory
  * improve rules:
    * 31_aide_console-log
    * 31_aide_systemd
    * 31_aide_systemd_journal
  * fix PCRE quoting:
    * 10_aide_constants
    * 10_aide_machineid
    * 21_aide_run_agetty
    * 31_aide_acpid
    * 31_aide_alsa
    * 31_aide_amanda-client
    * 31_aide_amavisd-new
    * 31_aide_anacron
    * 31_aide_anubis
    * 31_aide_apache2
    * 31_aide_apcupsd
    * 31_aide_apt-cacher-ng
    * 31_aide_apt-listbugs
    * 31_aide_apt-listchanges
    * 31_aide_aptitude
    * 31_aide_at
    * 31_aide_atop
    * 31_aide_bind9
    * 31_aide_boinc-client
    * 31_aide_borgbackup
    * 31_aide_btmp
    * 31_aide_cereal
    * 31_aide_checksecurity
    * 31_aide_chrony
    * 31_aide_clamav
    * 31_aide_clamav-freshclam
    * 31_aide_clamav-unofficial-sigs
    * 31_aide_courier-authlib
    * 31_aide_cracklib-runtime
    * 31_aide_cron
    * 31_aide_cron-apt
    * 31_aide_cups
    * 31_aide_ddclient
    * 31_aide_debconf
    * 31_aide_dehydrated
    * 31_aide_dev
    * 31_aide_dlocate
    * 31_aide_dokuwiki
    * 31_aide_dovecot
    * 31_aide_e2fsprogs
    * 31_aide_etckeeper
    * 31_aide_exim4
    * 31_aide_exim4_logs
    * 31_aide_fail2ban
    * 31_aide_fake-hwclock
    * 31_aide_fcron
    * 31_aide_gnupg
    * 31_aide_hald
    * 31_aide_haproxy
    * 31_aide_hapsd
    * 31_aide_ifplugd
    * 31_aide_inetd
    * 31_aide_initramfs-tools
    * 31_aide_initscripts
    * 31_aide_isc-dhcp-client
    * 31_aide_isc-dhcp-server
    * 31_aide_kerberos
    * 31_aide_laptop-mode-tools
    * 31_aide_libapache2-mod-fastcgi
    * 31_aide_libvirt-bin
    * 31_aide_lighttpd
    * 31_aide_lldpd
    * 31_aide_logcheck
    * 31_aide_logrotate
    * 31_aide_lpd
    * 31_aide_lvm2
    * 31_aide_mailman
    * 31_aide_man
    * 31_aide_mdadm
    * 31_aide_mini-buildd
    * 31_aide_mlocate
    * 31_aide_modules
    * 31_aide_munin
    * 31_aide_mysql-server
    * 31_aide_network-manager
    * 31_aide_nfs
    * 31_aide_nrpe
    * 31_aide_nscd
    * 31_aide_nslcd
    * 31_aide_ntp-server
    * 31_aide_openvpn
    * 31_aide_openvpn-server
    * 31_aide_pam_motd
    * 31_aide_pcscd
    * 31_aide_php-common
    * 31_aide_portmap
    * 31_aide_postfix
    * 31_aide_postgresql
    * 31_aide_postgrey
    * 31_aide_proftpd
    * 31_aide_resolvconf
    * 31_aide_rkhunter
    * 31_aide_rngd
    * 31_aide_root-dotfiles
    * 31_aide_rsnapshot
    * 31_aide_rsyslog
    * 31_aide_run_systemd_resolve
    * 31_aide_run_tmpfiles
    * 31_aide_runuser
    * 31_aide_samba
    * 31_aide_saslauthd
    * 31_aide_screen
    * 31_aide_slapd
    * 31_aide_slrn
    * 31_aide_smartmontools
    * 31_aide_smokeping
    * 31_aide_snmpd
    * 31_aide_spamassassin
    * 31_aide_squid
    * 31_aide_ssh-agent
    * 31_aide_syslog-ng
    * 31_aide_systemd-resolved
    * 31_aide_systemd_sessions
    * 31_aide_tiger
    * 31_aide_tt-rss
    * 31_aide_unbound
    * 31_aide_vsftpd
    * 31_aide_webalizer
    * 31_aide_wpasupplicant
    * 31_aide_wtmp
    * 31_aide_x11-common
    * 31_aide_xdm
    * 70_aide_run
    * 70_aide_tmp
  * improve rules:
    * 10_aide_distribution
    * 10_aide_hostname
    * 10_aide_year
    * 30_inn2_vars
    * 31_aide_aide
    * 31_aide_amanda-server
    * 31_aide_apt-cacher-ng
    * 31_aide_apt
    * 31_aide_cereal
    * 31_aide_console-log
    * 31_aide_cups
    * 31_aide_dovecot
    * 31_aide_dpkg
    * 31_aide_exim4
    * 31_aide_inn2
    * 31_aide_lighttpd
    * 31_aide_lvm2
    * 31_aide_mailman
    * 31_aide_mini-buildd
    * 31_aide_munin-node
    * 31_aide_smokeping
    * 31_aide_svn-server
    * 31_aide_systemd
    * 31_aide_systemd-cron
    * 31_aide_systemd-networkd
    * 31_aide_torrus
    * 31_aide_trac
    * 31_aide_udev
    * 31_aide_util-linux
  * fix shellcheck warnings:
    * 31_aide_trac
    * 31_aide_torrus
    * 31_aide_svn-server
    * 31_aide_munin
  * new rules:
    * 31_aide_exim4_exiscan
    * 31_aide_icinga2
    * 31_aide_php-fpm
    * 31_aide_sniproxy
    * 31_aide_systemd-journald
  * remove obsolete 31_aide_apache (apache 1.3)
  * remove accidental local data from 31_aide_borgbackup
  * fix documentation typo in 31_aide_dehydrated
  * exclude common /tmp contents
  * settings snippets are now mode 755

 -- Marc Haber <mh+debian-packa...@zugschlus.de>  Fri, 05 Feb 2021 19:45:39 

aide (0.17.1-1) unstable; urgency=medium

  [ Marc Haber ]
  * new upstream version 0.17.1
  * adapt aide "metarules" to new cronjob tmp file location

  [ Hannes von Haugwitz ]
  * c.d/aide: adjust FILTERINSTALLATIONS/FILTERUPDATES to work with AIDE 0.17

 -- Marc Haber <mh+debian-packa...@zugschlus.de>  Sun, 31 Jan 2021 09:22:30 

aide (0.17-3) unstable; urgency=medium

  * fix wrong line number in autopkgtest

 -- Marc Haber <mh+debian-packa...@zugschlus.de>  Thu, 28 Jan 2021 07:58:54 

aide (0.17-2) unstable; urgency=medium

  * move to debhelper-compat 13
  * add hardening (does not seem to work for static aide)
  * remove aide-xen, add transitional package
  * pull aide-common dependencies to 0.17, the rules need the new parser
  * Have cron job limit line length (configurable, default 998)
    (Closes: 882311)
  * have cron job handle early interruptions with a custom error message
    (Closes: 964965)
  * have daily cron job place temporary files in /var/tmp. Add more paranoia.
    (Closes: 791462)
  * ucf-helper is now in ucf, remove ucf-helper testsuite
  * re-enable whirlpool and document the need to --update
  * rule updates:
    * all rules should be restricted now. An unrestricted rule found in
      the package is a bug.
    * explicitly mention all deliberately unrestricted rules
    * some new rules and rule improvements from Zugschlus
    * some new rules and rule improvements from
      Paweł Tomulik. (Closes: #729202)
    * remove obsolete 31_aide_apt-file.
      Thanks to Niels Thykier (Closes: 815188)
    * remove obsolete all-comments ucf-conffiles
    * remove 31_aide_crack (identical to 31_aide_cracklib-runtime)
    * remove obsolete 31_aide_nagios2 and 31_aide_nagios3
    * remove obsolete 31_aide_tetex-bin
    * add documentation for 99_aide_root
    * fix syntax issues

 -- Marc Haber <mh+debian-packa...@zugschlus.de>  Wed, 27 Jan 2021 13:57:51 

aide (0.17-1) unstable; urgency=medium

  [ Marc Haber ]
  * new upstream release 0.17
    * docs/manual.html was removed

  [ Hannes von Haugwitz ]
  * Add autopkgtests
  * Set Rules-Requires-Root to no
  * Remove obsolete d/aide-common.doc-base

 -- Marc Haber <mh+debian-packa...@zugschlus.de>  Sun, 24 Jan 2021 20:00:00 

aide (0.16.2-87-g9804cf4-2) experimental; urgency=medium

  * fix buildd issues
  * libcap build depends for linux only
  * capabilities is linux-only
  * e2fslibs is now libext2fs

 -- Marc Haber <mh+debian-packa...@zugschlus.de>  Wed, 20 Jan 2021 15:03:40 

aide (0.16.2-87-g9804cf4-1) experimental; urgency=medium

  * upstream development snapshot (0.17 release candidate)
    * patches no longer needed
    * workaround for issue #24 no longer needed
    * changes include:
      * new --dry-init option (Closes: #289174)
      * error messages are now reported in the correct
        line. Thanks to Marc Schiffbauer (Closes: #414268)
      * takes a lock on database_out
      * can be compiled without default configuration
      * Can include static and dynamic configuration
        from a directory. (Closes: #824036)
  * adapt aide.conf to the incompatible changes
  * aide-attributes does no longer exist
  * change aide.conf examples to file restrictions
  * configure --without-config-file and --disable-default-db
  * enable capabilities and Build-Depend on libcap
  * fix strange indents in debian/rules
  * Build-Depend on pkg-config
  * remove no longer needed aide.wrapper
  * remove no longer needed update-aide.conf
  * convert pl.po, sv.po, es.po, nl.po and fr.po to UTF-8
  * Standards-Version: 4.5.1 (no changes necessary)
  * improve debian/copyright (needs more work because of translations)
  * document incompatible changes in NEWS.Debian
  * add documentation about how to write good rules
  * adapt rules to new syntax:
    * 31_aide_amanda-server
    * 31_aide_apt
    * 31_aide_bind9
    * 31_aide_spamassassin
  * improve rules, add selection restrictions: (Closes: #977966)
    * 31_aide_anacron
    * 31_aide_apt
    * 31_aide_apt-cacher-ng
    * 31_aide_aptitude
    * 31_aide_atop
    * 31_aide_clamav-freshclam
    * 31_aide_clamav-unofficial-sigs
    * 31_aide_cron-apt
    * 31_aide_dbus
    * 31_aide_dehydrated
    * 31_aide_dpkg
    * 31_aide_etckeeper
    * 31_aide_exim4
    * 31_aide_haproxy
    * 31_aide_initramfs-tools
    * 31_aide_libvirt-bin
    * 31_aide_logcheck
    * 31_aide_lvm2
    * 31_aide_man
    * 31_aide_mlocate
    * 31_aide_php-common
    * 31_aide_runuser
    * 31_aide_samba
    * 31_aide_screen
    * 31_aide_spamassassin
    * 31_aide_sudo
    * 31_aide_udev
    * 31_aide_util-linux
    * 70_aide_run
    * 70_aide_tmp
  * new rules:
    * 10_aide_machineid
    * 21_aide_run_agetty
    * 31_aide_avahi-daemon
    * 31_aide_chrony
    * 31_aide_console-setup
    * 31_aide_dev
    * 31_aide_dmeventd
    * 31_aide_lldpd
    * 31_aide_locales
    * 31_aide_needrestart
    * 31_aide_network-manager
  * remove deprecation warnings:
    * 31_aide_apt (added with 0.14~rc3-1 in 2010)
  * some of these rule changes were submitted by
    Bill Wohler. Thank you very much! (closes: #683957)
  * fix wrong excludes of /proc and /sys. Thanks to
    Andreas Hasenack. (closes: #977680)

 -- Marc Haber <mh+debian-packa...@zugschlus.de>  Mon, 18 Jan 2021 20:20:30 

aide (0.16.2-1) experimental; urgency=medium

  * New upstream version 0.16.2
  * rule improvements
    * fix path to openvpn client status file
    * fix wrong rule for msg.sock directory
    * allow APACHE2_LOGS to be overridden
    * fix wrong path to apache2 pid file
    * clean up leftovers, avoid dual rules for /run
      * DEVDOT
    * improve 31_aide_wpasupplicant rule
    * 31_aide_bind9: add code for slave paths and slave dirs
    * 31_aide_dehydrated: add rule
    * 31_aide_dehydrated: add rule
    * 31_aide_lighttpd: improve rule
    * 31_aide_apt-cacher-ng: add rule
    * 31_aide_cereal: improve rule
    * 31_aide_clamav-freshclam: improve rule
    * 31_aide_clamav-unofficial-sigs: new rule
    * 31_aide_dpkg: improve rule
    * 31_aide_e2fsprogs: new rule
    * 31_aide_etckeeper: improve rule
    * 31_aide_fake-hwclock: new rule
    * 31_aide_haproxy: new rule
    * 31_aide_libvirt-bin: improve rule
    * 31_aide_logrotate: improve rule
    * 31_aide_runuser: improve rule
    * 31_aide_spamassassin: improve rule
    * 31_aide_ssh-agent: improve rule
    * 31_aide_sshd: new rule
    * 31_aide_systemd-cron: new rule
    * 31_aide_systemd-networkd: new rule
    * 31_aide_systemd-resolved: new rule
    * 31_aide_xe-guest-utilities: new rule

 -- Marc Haber <mh+debian-packa...@zugschlus.de>  Sun, 02 Jun 2019 19:23:52 

aide (0.16.1-1) unstable; urgency=medium

  [ Hannes von Haugwitz ]
  * new upstream version v0.16.1
    - changes include:
      - fix short form of --limit parameter (closes: #855313)
      - use AC_PATH_TOOL to find pkg-config (closes: #907580)
    - move upstream to GitHub:
      - d/control: update Homepage field
      - d/watch: update download URL
      - d/copyright: update source URL
    - adapt debian/patches/10-manpages.patch
    - remove debian/patches/15-arithmetic-exit.patch (incorporated upstream)
  * Bump to Standards-Version 4.3.0 (no changes necessary)
  * 31_aide_gnupg: handle S.scdaemon
  * 31_aide_systemd_journal, 31_aide_mlocate: use @@{RUN} macro
  * 31_aide_cereal, 31_aide_systemd_sessions: add missing $ to some rules
  * aide.wrapper.8:
    - document default value of DBAGE
    - remove trailing whitespaces
  * Switch to debhelper 12
  * cron.daily/aide:
    - avoid subshell usage in conditions
    - fix shell globbing
    - fix new lines in filtered packages list
    - disable checkwinsize shell option
  * aide.wrapper: refactor DBAGE code
  * Remove empty lines at the end of rule files
  * Adjust lintian overrides:
    - aide,aide-xen: remove 'embedded-library' for libm
    - aide-common: add 'uses-dpkg-database-directly' (the pkg just provides
      rules for dpkg files)
  * debian/copyright: update copyright information
  * Add debian/upstream/metadata

  [ Marc Haber ]
  ∙ 31_aide_boinc-client: new rule
  ∙ 31_aide_crack: new rule
  ∙ 31:aide_dlocate: optimize rule
  ∙ 31_aide_mailman: add Varir for log directory
  * aideinit: send most output to stderr

  [ Ondřej Nový ]
  * d/copyright: Change Format URL to correct one
  * d/control: Remove redundant Priority field in binary package
  * d/changelog: Remove trailing whitespaces
  * d/watch: Use https protocol

 -- Hannes von Haugwitz <han...@vonhaugwitz.com>  Thu, 28 Feb 2019 21:34:34 

aide (0.16-4) unstable; urgency=medium

  * aide.wrapper:
    * introduce DBAGE
    * renumber wrapper errors to get rid of number clashes
    * refine wrapper man page
  * daily cron job:
    * clean up white space lines in different cases of output
    * give overview over aide results in figlet if installed
    * streamline indent to expantabs and tab 4.
    * Make shellcheck happy
  * refresh patches
  * give better explanation for the arithmetic exit codes (Closes: 901954)

 -- Marc Haber <mh+debian-packa...@zugschlus.de>  Sat, 21 Jul 2018 17:24:58 

aide (0.16-3) unstable; urgency=medium

  * move package to salsa
  * use tracker as maintainer address
  * remove Mike from Uploaders. Thanks for helping with the package.

 -- Marc Haber <mh+debian-packa...@zugschlus.de>  Fri, 02 Feb 2018 20:16:08 

aide (0.16-2) unstable; urgency=medium

  * improve rules:
    * 10_aide_distribution: Take more care in sanitizing
      distribution data. Thanks to Raphaël Hertzog (Closes: #868749)
    * 31_aide_amanda-server
      Thanks to Daniel Dickinson (Closes: #710912, #723904)
    * 31_aide_apt
      * Take multiarch patch from bug report.
        Thanks to Simon Deziel (Closes: #770095)
      * remove Pre-component Release Files (see discussion in #879272)
        Thanks to Julian Andres Klode
    * 31_aide_apt-listbugs: clean up obsolete dev comments
    * 31_aide_cups
    * 31_aide_dpkg
    * 31_aide_isc-dhcp-server / 31_aide_isc-dhcp-client
      * rename from 31_aide_dhcp3-server and 31_aide_dhcp3-client
      * adapt paths
    * 31_aide_logrotate
    * 31_aide_man: add CACHEDIR
    * 31_aide_mlocate: leaves around a lock file
    * Add 31_aide_php7, remove 31_aide_php[45].
      Thanks to Frederik Himpe (Closes: #724291)
    * 31_aide_samba
    * 31_aide_sudo: properly handle changing run directory
    * 70_aide_run: /run changes link count
  * new rules:
    * 10_aide_prevyear: help log file handling
    * 31_aide_atop
    * 31_aide_cereal
    * 31_aide_gnupg
    * 31_aide_pam_motd
    * 31_aide_php-common
    * 31_aide_run_systemd_netif
    * 31_aide_run_systemd_resolve
    * 31_aide_runuser
    * 31_aide_systemd_journal
    * 31_aide_systemd_sessions
  * remove rules that only had placeholder comments
  * remove obsolete 31_aide_gpg
  * remove obsolete 31-aide_apt_[un]stable
  * aide.wrapper:
    * wrapper now aborts immediately if lock cannot be
      obtained (Closes: #841006)
    * Use --config-check in wrapper (Closes: #289171)
  * major rework of ucf handling:
    * Allow rules to be overridden (Closes: #720009)
    * The new code will eventually be submitted for inclusion in
      ucf proper or packaged as ucf-helper
  * Standards-Version: 4.1.1
    * aide-xen and aide-dynamic are now Priority: optional
    * no other changes necessary

 -- Marc Haber <mh+debian-packa...@zugschlus.de>  Thu, 02 Nov 2017 15:58:26 

aide (0.16-1) unstable; urgency=medium

  * new upstream version, changes include:
    - fix compilation with latest libaudit (closes: #829575)
  * adapt debian/patches/10-manpages.patch
  * debian/control:
    - bump to Standards-Version 3.9.8 (no changes necessary)

 -- Hannes von Haugwitz <han...@vonhaugwitz.com>  Tue, 26 Jul 2016 21:50:19 

aide (0.16~b1-1) unstable; urgency=medium

  * new beta upstream version, changes include:
    - switch to PCRE library
    - restricted selection lines
    - fix FTBFS with e2fsprogs 1.43 (closes: #818858)
    - new '--limit' parameter
    - new options:
      - database_add_metadata
      - report_force_attrs (deprecates report_attributes)
      - report_ignore_added_attrs
      - report_ignore_changed_attrs (deprecates ignore_list)
      - report_ignore_e2fsattrs (closes: #642272)
      - report_ignore_removed_attrs
      - report_quiet
  * debian/control:
    - add build-dep on libpcre3-dev
    - use secure Vcs-* fields
    - aide-common: drop dependency on initscripts (closes: #804984)
    - bumped to Standards-Version 3.9.7 (no changes necessary)
  * debian/rules:
    - add libpcre3-dev to BUILT_USING_PACKAGES
  * 31_aide_ntp-server, 31_aide_inn2:
    - fix malformed negative rules
  * aide-common.README.Debian, update-aide.conf.8:
    - fix spelling errors
  * debian/watch:
    - enable GPG signature verification
    - add debian/upstream/signing-key.asc
  * debian/copyright:
    - update copyright statements
    - fix license short name
  * debian/lintian/overrides/aide-common:
    - start-stop-daemon-in-maintainer-script has been renamed to

 -- Hannes von Haugwitz <han...@vonhaugwitz.com>  Sun, 17 Apr 2016 22:08:22 

aide (0.16~a2.git20130520-3) unstable; urgency=medium

  * cron.daily/aide:
    - fixed 'unbound variable' error with bash-4.3 (LP: #1323827)
  * 31_aide_postfix: new
    - handle files/dirs in /var/spool/postfix
    - handle prng_exch file
  * 31_aide_apt:
    - handle files in /var/lib/apt/periodic
  * 31_aide_tt-rss:
    - handle /var/lib/tt-rss
  * 31_aide_etckeeper: new
    - handle /etc/.git and /etc/.git/index
  * debian/control:
    - bumped to Standards-Version 3.9.6 (no changes necessary)
    - added libaudit-dev to build dependencies (linux only)
  * debian/rules:
    - enabled audit support (closes: #745781)

 -- Hannes von Haugwitz <han...@vonhaugwitz.com>  Fri, 24 Oct 2014 22:19:43 

aide (0.16~a2.git20130520-2) unstable; urgency=low

  * 31_aide_apt, 31_aide_apt-file:
    - fixed infinite hang if $SOURCESLIST is empty (closes: #714303)
  * debian/watch:
    - adjusted uversionmangle to match new upstream versioning scheme
  * 31_aide_tt-rss: new
    - handle log files, thanks to Frederik Himpe (closes: #724480)
  * 31_aide_clamav-data:
    - removed rules (clamav-data has been removed from Debian)
  * cron.daily/aide, default/aide:
    - added CRON_DAILY_RUN option (default: yes)
  * debian/rules:
    - fixed Built-Using field on hurd, ia64 and kfreebsd (closes: #717396)
  * debian/control:
    - bumped to Standards-Version 3.9.5 (no changes necessary)

 -- Hannes von Haugwitz <han...@vonhaugwitz.com>  Mon, 16 Dec 2013 07:28:23 

aide (0.16~a2.git20130520-1) experimental; urgency=low

  [ Hannes von Haugwitz ]
  * new upstream git snapshot, changes include:
    - new options: root_prefix, database_attrs,
      report_detailed_init, report_base16
    - many changes of report layout
  * debian/control:
    - removed obsolete DM-Upload-Allowed field
    - bumped to Standards-Version 3.9.4
    - drop obsolete Breaks/Replaces
  * cron.daily/aide:
    - fixed permission of log file at first run (closes: #706740)
    - replaced "files" by "entries"
    - removed 'database characteristics' part (incorporated upstream)
    - adapted TRUNCATEDETAILS feature
    - use /run/aide instead of /var/run/aide
    - adjusted error message if database does not exist (closes: #641810)
  * debian/patches/:
    - removed patches applied upstream:
    - adapted 10-manpages.patch
  * aide.conf:
    - added database_attrs option (default: Checksums)
    - added report_base16 option (default: no)
    - added verbose option (default: 6)
    - removed X group (incorporated upstream)
  * 31_aide_rsnapshot: new
    - handle log files
  * 31_aide_btmp: new
    - handle log files
  * 31_aide_wtmp:
    - adjusted handling of log files
  * 31_aide_apt:
    - fixed handling of log files
    - handle /var/log/apt
    - escape dot character in urls
  * 31_aide_dpkg:
    - fixed handling of log files
  * 31_aide_ifupdown:
    - replaced obsolete script with native aide rule
  * debian/copyright:
    - migrated to DEP-5 format
  * Added Built-Using field to aide and aide-xen binary package
  * Removed handling of obsolete /usr/lib/aide directory
  * 31_aide_apt-file:
    - escape dot character in urls
  * 31_aide_samba:
    - adjusted rule for /@@{RUN}/samba/notify_onelevel.tdb
  * debian/README.source: removed (dpatch no longer used)
  * aide-common.postinst:
    - don't create aide directory in /var/run
    - removed check for aide binary in /usr/bin
  * aide-common.postrm:
    - try to remove /run/aide instead of /var/run/aide
    - don't try to remove /var/lib/aide

  [ Marc Haber ]
  * cron.daily/aide:
    - use savelog only if present
    - bail if aide is not found in /usr/[s]?bin/
    - fix a typo in a comment
    - call mail(1) without full path
    - exit with return code 0 if we reach the end of things
  * 10_aide_constants: new
    - added IP4ADDRESS and IP6ADDRESS macros
  * Allow aide binary in /usr/sbin as well
  * Added SILENTREPORTS option
  * Added CRONEXITHOOK option
  * Make update-aide.conf more flexible

 -- Hannes von Haugwitz <han...@vonhaugwitz.com>  Fri, 14 Jun 2013 17:12:22 

aide (0.15.1-8) unstable; urgency=low

  * 31_aide_samba:
    - /@@{RUN}/samba/wins.tdb has been moved to /var/lib/samba
    - adjusted rule for /@@{RUN}/samba/gencache.tdb
    - handle notify_onelevel.tdb and gencache_notrans.tdb in /@@{RUN}/samba/
  * aide.conf:
    - reverted 'removed I from HiSerMemberLog'
  * 31_aide_rkhunter:
    - removed rule for rkhunter.dat and rkhunter.dat.old
    - adjusted log file rules
  * 31_aide_mtab:
    - removed rule for /etc/mtab (now a symlink to /proc/mounts)
  * 31_aide_mdadm:
    - handle autorebuild.pid and map file in /@@{RUN}/mdadm
  * 31_aide_man:
    - added da, hr, jp, ro, sk and sl to LANGS macro
  * 31_aide_cups:
    - handle .snmp files in /var/cache/cups
  * 31_aide_apt-file:
    - handle component in file names
  * 31_aide_apt:
    - handle InRelease and Translation files
  * cron.daily/aide:
    - fixed FILTERINSTALLATIONS and FILTERUPDATES to support arch in
      package names

 -- Hannes von Haugwitz <han...@vonhaugwitz.com>  Sat, 30 Jun 2012 00:26:33 

aide (0.15.1-7) unstable; urgency=low

  * debian/rules:
    - fixed arch-specific build

 -- Hannes von Haugwitz <han...@vonhaugwitz.com>  Thu, 21 Jun 2012 07:40:37 

aide (0.15.1-6) unstable; urgency=low

  * lowered dependency on aide-common (closes: #545852):
    - aide, aide-xen, aide-dynamic:
      - moved aide-common from Depends to Recommends
      - added Breaks/Replaces: aide-common (<< 0.15.1-6)
    - moved aide.1 and aide.conf.5 from aide-common to binary packages
    - aide-common: replaced dependency on aide | aide-binary with
      versionised dependency on aide | aide-xen | aide-dynamic
  * debian/patches/06-conf_yacc.y_conftext_declaration_fix.dpatch: new
    - fixed broken 'Error in expression' message (closes: #631398)
  * 31_aide_lighttpd:
    - adjusted log file rules
  * 31_aide_postgresql:
    - handle moved pgstat.stat file
  * 31_aide_resolvconf:
    - extended rule for files in /@@{LIBINITRW}/resolvconf/interface/
  * 31_aide_cron-apt:
    - adjusted rule for files in mailchanges/
  * 31_aide_initramfs-tools: new
    - handle /@@{DEVDOT}initramfs
  * 31_aide_util-linux: new
    - handle utab file and mount dir
  * 31_aide_xdm: new
    - handle auth files
    - handle pid file
  * 31_aide_libvirt-bin:
    - handle .monitor files
    - handle /var/lib/libvirt
    - handle /@@{RUNLOCK}/libvirt-guests
    - handle /@@{RUN}/libvirt/uml-guest
  * 31_aide_laptop-mode-tools:
    - handle lock files
    - handle state-brightness-command and nolm-mountopts state file
  * 31_aide_munin,31_aide_munin-nodes:
    - /var/www/munin has been moved to /var/cache/munin/www
  * 70_aide_run:
    - handle /@@{RUNLOCK}/.ramfs
  * removed optional aide-config-zg2 package
  * debian/aide-common.prerm: removed (/usr/doc/ handling is obsolete)
  * Migrated to dpkg-source 3.0 (quilt) format:
    - converted dpatch patches to quilt
    - use dh7 syntax
    - use dh-autoreconf
    - removed debian/aide_fixperms (not needed anymore)
    - removed build-dep on dpatch
    - set debian/compat to 7
    - build depend on debhelper >= 7.0.50~ and dh-autoreconf
  * debian/patches/07-db_file.c_missing_format_string_fix.patch: new
    - added missing format string in dofprintf calls
  * Switched to debhelper 9
    - set debian/compat to 9
    - build depend on debhelper >= 9
  * aide.conf.in:
    - added X group and use it instead of 'acl+xattrs+e2fsattrs_SELINUX_'
    - fixed typo in comment
    - removed I from HiSerMemberLog
  * Moved aide.conf.in back to aide.conf and adjusted debian/rules
  * debian/control:
    - removed build-dep on libgcrypt11-dev (not needed anymore)
    - adjusted URLs of Vcs-* fields
    - removed pointer to configuration from description of binary packages
    - bumped to Standards-Version 3.9.3 (no changes necessary)

 -- Hannes von Haugwitz <han...@vonhaugwitz.com>  Wed, 20 Jun 2012 14:46:28 

aide (0.15.1-5) unstable; urgency=low

  * cron.daily/aide:
    - revert 'replaced "files" by "entries"'

 -- Hannes von Haugwitz <han...@vonhaugwitz.com>  Sat, 07 Jan 2012 18:51:46 

aide (0.15.1-4) unstable; urgency=low

  [ Hannes von Haugwitz ]
  * debian/aide-common.README.Debian:
    - fixed wrong filename of auto generated config file, thanks to Olivier
      Berger for the hint (closes: #623687)
  * debian/po/it.po: new
    - added Italian debconf translations, thanks to Mark Caglienzi
      (closes: #608128)
  * debian/control:
    - use dpkg architecture wildcard to limit selinux support to linux
      architectures only
    - changed Homepage field
    - build-dep on libgcrypt11-dev instead of libgcrypt-dev
    - removed alternative build-dep on flex-old
    - removed upstream URL from description, URL is available via Homepage
    - drop obsolete Breaks/Replaces: aide (<< 0.13.1-6)
    - removed redundant dependencies (bsd-mailx, liblockfile1, ucf) and
      recommendation (cron) from aide, aide-xen and aide-dynamic
    - aide-common: added alternative dep on mailx
    - aide-common: added dep on initscripts (>= 2.88dsf-13.3) for
      /run transition
  * cron.daily/aide:
    - replaced "files" by "entries"
  * debian/aide.conf.in:
    - enabled summarize_changes option by default (to follow upstream)
  * debian/aide.wrapper.8:
    - fixed path of configuration file, thanks to "A. N. Other"
      (closes: #642270)
  * Fixed lintian overrides:
    - aide,aide-xen:
      - statically-linked-binary: fixed path of binary
      - embedded-library: added for libm and zlib
      - embedded-zlib: removed (now in embedded-library)
    - aide,aide-dynamic,aide-xen:
      - binary-without-manpage: removed (fixed in lintian)
  * /run transition (closes: #633028, #654752)
    - 10_aide_run: new (define RUN, RUNLOCK, DEVDOT and LIBINITRW macro)
    - 31_aide_lib-init-rw: replaced with empty dummy
    - 31_aide_udev: use DEVDOT macro and handle /@@{DEVDOT}udev
    - 70_aide_run: new (handle /run and subdirs)
    - 70_aide_var: removed rule for /var/run and /var/lock
    - Adjusted rules in the following files (use new macros and allow change
      of inode):
      - 31_aide_acpid
      - 31_aide_aide
      - 31_aide_amavisd-new
      - 31_aide_anubis
      - 31_aide_apache
      - 31_aide_apache2
      - 31_aide_apcupsd
      - 31_aide_aptitude
      - 31_aide_at
      - 31_aide_bind9
      - 31_aide_clamav
      - 31_aide_clamav-freshclam
      - 31_aide_console-log
      - 31_aide_cron
      - 31_aide_cups
      - 31_aide_dbus
      - 31_aide_ddclient
      - 31_aide_dhcp3-client
      - 31_aide_dhcpd
      - 31_aide_dovecot
      - 31_aide_exim4
      - 31_aide_fail2ban
      - 31_aide_fcron
      - 31_aide_hald
      - 31_aide_hapsd
      - 31_aide_ifplugd
      - 31_aide_inetd
      - 31_aide_initscripts
      - 31_aide_inn2
      - 31_aide_ippl
      - 31_aide_laptop-mode-tools
      - 31_aide_libvirt-bin
      - 31_aide_lighttpd
      - 31_aide_logcheck
      - 31_aide_lvm2
      - 31_aide_mailman
      - 31_aide_mdadm
      - 31_aide_munin
      - 31_aide_munin-nodes
      - 31_aide_mysql-server
      - 31_aide_nagios2
      - 31_aide_nagios3
      - 31_aide_network
      - 31_aide_nfs
      - 31_aide_nrpe
      - 31_aide_nscd
      - 31_aide_nslcd
      - 31_aide_ntp-server
      - 31_aide_openvpn
      - 31_aide_pcscd
      - 31_aide_pm-utils
      - 31_aide_portmap
      - 31_aide_postgresql
      - 31_aide_proftpd
      - 31_aide_resolvconf
      - 31_aide_rngd
      - 31_aide_rsyslog
      - 31_aide_samba
      - 31_aide_screen
      - 31_aide_slapd
      - 31_aide_smartmontools
      - 31_aide_smokeping
      - 31_aide_snmpd
      - 31_aide_spamassassin
      - 31_aide_ssh-server
      - 31_aide_sudo
      - 31_aide_torrus
      - 31_aide_utmp
      - 31_aide_vpnc
      - 31_aide_wpasupplicant
      - 31_aide_xinetd
  * 70_aide_dev:
    - removed support for static dev (closes: #644307)
    - replaced for loop with native aide rule (closes: #599930, LP: #456710)

  [ Marc Haber ]
  * 31_aide_apt, 31_aide_apt-file:
    - factor out shared code, only cat files that actually exist. This
      streamlines /etc/apt/sources.list(.d) handling. (closes: #641805)
    - provide aide.settings.d/10_aide_sourceslist
  * 31_aide_amanda-client:
    - adapt to amanda 2.6.1p2 (squeeze)
  * 10_aide_distribution:
    - add code to reference the current distribution in rule files to be more

 -- Hannes von Haugwitz <han...@vonhaugwitz.com>  Fri, 06 Jan 2012 21:52:17 

aide (0.15.1-3) unstable; urgency=low

  [ Marc Haber ]
  * 31_aide_bind9:
    - fix wrong group (closes: #612405)

  [ Hannes von Haugwitz ]
  * debian/patches/05-configure_32-bit_lfs_fix.dpatch: new
    - fixed lfs on 32-bit systems (closes: #615111)

 -- Hannes von Haugwitz <han...@vonhaugwitz.com>  Fri, 11 Mar 2011 09:50:46 

aide (0.15.1-2) unstable; urgency=low

  * debian/po/da.po:
    - updated Danish debconf translations, thanks to Joe Hansen
      (closes: #597777)

 -- Hannes von Haugwitz <han...@vonhaugwitz.com>  Mon, 18 Oct 2010 09:24:53 

aide (0.15.1-1) unstable; urgency=low

  * new upstream version, changes include:
    - fixed bug with DB_CHECKINODE (closes: #596230)
  * 31_aide_rkhunter:
    - adjusted rule for rkhunter.dat and rkhunter.dat.old
  * 31_aide_munin:
    - handle exim_mailstats-<IPv4> in /var/lib/munin/plugin-state/
  * 31_aide_apt:
    - handle backups of APT's extended_states file

 -- Hannes von Haugwitz <han...@vonhaugwitz.com>  Tue, 14 Sep 2010 08:22:03 

aide (0.15-2) unstable; urgency=low

  * Upload to unstable

 -- Hannes von Haugwitz <han...@vonhaugwitz.com>  Wed, 11 Aug 2010 06:56:20 

aide (0.15-1) experimental; urgency=low

  * new upstream version
  * debian/aide.conf.in:
    - added grouped option (by default enabled)
  * debian/control:
    - aide-common: replaced Conflicts with Breaks/Replaces

 -- Hannes von Haugwitz <han...@vonhaugwitz.com>  Sun, 08 Aug 2010 21:37:10 

aide (0.14.2.git20100726-1) experimental; urgency=low

  * new upstream git snapshot, changes include:
    - fit detailed output in 80 columns (closes: #146112)
    - added new attribute 'ftype' for file type change detection
    - added new attribute 'e2fsattrs' file attributes on a second extended
      file system
    - sort files in report by filename (see: #146113)
    - new grouped option
  * debian/control:
    - bumped to Standards-Version 3.9.1 (no changes necessary)
    - added e2fslibs-dev to build dependencies
  * cron.daily/aide:
    - fixed spelling error
  * debian/rules:
    - enabled e2fsattrs support
  * debian/aide.conf.in:
    - removed whirlpool from Checksums
    - added ftype to OwnerMode
    - added e2fsattrs to InodeData, VarFile, VarDir, VarDirInode and Log
  * debian/copyright:
    - updated upstream copyright
    - added myself as co-maintainer
  * cron.daily/aide:
    - adjusted script to work with new upstream git snapshot
    - replaced "New" with "Added" in "End of AIDE output" message
    - don't fail when aide.conf contains white spaces, thanks to Adam Bolte
      for the patch (LP: #302669)
    - update configuration file before parsing it
    - exit with code 1 if database doesn't exist
    - include database name in error message if database doesn't exist
    - exit with fatal error if new database does not exist
  * 31_aide_smartmontools:
    - handle files in /var/lib/smartmontools/
  * 31_aide_dhcp3-client:
    - /var/lib/dhcp3/ has been moved to /var/lib/dhcp/
  * 31_aide_pm-utils: new
    - handle files in /var/run/pm-utils/
  * 31_aide_apt:
    - fixed handling of comments in sources.list, thanks to Harvey Muller for
      the patch (LP: #112242)
  * 31_aide_kerberos:
    - handle principal and principal.ok

 -- Hannes von Haugwitz <han...@vonhaugwitz.com>  Thu, 29 Jul 2010 08:38:20 

aide (0.14.2-1) unstable; urgency=low

  * new upstream version
  * debian/control:
    - set priority of aide-xen and aide-dynamic to extra
  * debian/aide-attributes.1:
    - adjusted warning message example to match upstream version

 -- Hannes von Haugwitz <han...@vonhaugwitz.com>  Sun, 06 Jun 2010 11:15:59 

aide (0.14.1-1) unstable; urgency=low

  [ Hannes von Haugwitz ]
  * new upstream version
  * Removed unused lintian override from aide-dynamic
  * debian/aide-common.doc-base: new
    - registered manual.html with doc-base
  * debian/{aide.wrapper.8,aideinit.8}:
    - fixed spelling errors
  * debian/aideinit:
    - removed useless hint in error message
  * debian/patches/10-manpages.dpatch:
    - added patch description
  * cron.daily/aide:
    - fixed "grep: Unmatched [ or [^" issue,
      thanks to Jerome Wittmann for the report
    - removed superfluous blank
  * 31_aide_dlocate:
    - fixed dlocate database name
    - handle dlocatedb.stamps
  * 31_aide_bind9:
    - handle session.key
  * 31_aide_clamav-freshclam:
    - handle bytecode.cld
  * 31_aide_libvirt-bin:
    - handle /var/lib/libvirt/qemu/{save,snapshot}
  * Added man page for aide-attributes
  * debian/{aide-common.manpages,rules}:
    - added aide-attributes and man page to aide-common
  * debian/control:
    - added myself to the Uploaders field
    - added DM-Upload-Allowed field

  [ Marc Haber ]
  * Add debian/watch, thanks to Guillaume Delacour
  * Welcome Hannes to the Debian team

 -- Marc Haber <mh+debian-packa...@zugschlus.de>  Thu, 03 Jun 2010 20:06:40 

aide (0.14-1) unstable; urgency=low

  [ Marc Haber ]
  * new upstream version
  * Dear Lintian: There is no technical reason to convert a working
    package to dpkg maintainers' new toy format, so kindly shut up.

  [ Hannes von Haugwitz ]
  * cron.daily/aide:
    - the log file checksum is sha256, not sha512
    - fixed aide return value handling
    - only truncate details if files have been changed
    - reworked "End of AIDE output" message
    - print "no significant changes detected" message only if
    - use echo instead of printf for printing file names
  * aide.conf:
    - added new group definition: VarDirTime
  * 31_aide_x11-xkb-utils: new
    - handle /var/lib/xkb
  * 31_aide_man:
    - added en and zh to LANGS macro
  * 31_aide_wpasupplicant:
    - fixed handling of /var/run/wpa_supplicant
  * 31_aide_postgresql:
    - handle .s.PGSQL.5432 and .s.PGSQL.5432.lock in /var/run/postgresql/
    - handle pgstat.stat in /var/lib/postgresql/<VERSION>/main/global/
  * 31_aide_apt:
    - exclude *.gpg.reverify files in /var/lib/apt/lists/partial/
  * 31_aide_udev: new
    - handle queue.bin
  * 31_aide_nfs:
    - fixed handling of /var/lib/nfs/etab
  * debian/rules, debian/control:
    - disabled selinux support on non-linux architectures
  * 31_aide_samba:
    - handle files in /var/(run|log|cache|lib)/samba
    - handle /etc/samba/passdb.tdb
  * Moved aide.conf to aide.conf.in
  * aide.conf.in
    - use _SELINUX_ instead of +selinux to disable selinux support on
      non-linux architectures
  * update-aide.conf.8:
    - fixed wrong path of /etc/aide/aide.settings.d

 -- Marc Haber <mh+debian-packa...@zugschlus.de>  Fri, 09 Apr 2010 22:22:39 

aide (0.14~rc3-1) experimental; urgency=low

  [ Marc Haber ]
  * new upstream CVS snapshot
    * snprintf.c from rsync (more compatible license)
    * new summarize_changes option by Hannes von Haugwitz
    * more compatibility with recent autotools (thanks, Steve Grubb)
  * 31_aide_aptitude: add /var/lib/aptitude
  * aide-common.postinst: remove unneeded CONFDIR variable
  * clarify debian/copyright for snprintf.c and fopen.c
  * fix debian/NEWS version number 0.13.1-10
  * fix broken mail addresse in changelog
  * Standards-Version: 3.8.4 (no changes necessary)

  [ Hannes von Haugwitz ]
  * 31_aide_bind9: /var/run/bind/run has been moved to /var/run/named
  * Added options to filter package updates or installations (closes: #542621)
  * debian/rules: enabled xattr, selinux and posix-acl support
  * 10-manpages.dpatch: "block count" patch is now in upstream source
  * cron.daily/aide:
    - adjusted regex for NOISE to work with new summarize_changes option
    - added log file checksum to truncated mail
    - removed duplicated "at" in ""End of AIDE daily cron job" line
    - don't fail when NOISE removes everything
    - replaced obsolete checksums md5 and sha1 with sha256 and sha512
  * 31_aide_svn-server: new
    - handle variable files in svn repositories
    - provide 31_aide_svn-server_settings
  * 31_aide_trac: new
    - handle trac.db in trac repositories
    - provide 31_aide_trac_settings
  * 31_aide_cups: new
    - handle files in /var/run/cups, /var/spool/cups, /var/log/cups
      and /var/cache/cups
  * 31_aide_samba: new
    - handle files in /var/run/samba, /var/log/samba and /var/lib/samba
  * 31_aide_root-dotfiles: new
    - added rules for some dotfiles in root/ (by default disabled)
  * Added option to truncate the detailed part in the mail
  * Added aide.settings.d directory
  * update-aide.conf: added --settingsd option
  * default/aide: added UPAC_SETTINGSD variable
  * 31_aide_apt:
    - read settings file from aide.settings.d
    - warn if 31_local_apt_settings is used
  * Provide aide.settings.d/31_aide_apt_settings
  * Allow LINES=0 to disable option
  * 31_aide_wpasupplicant: new
    - handle files in /var/run/
    - handle log files
    - handle files in /lib/init/rw/wpasupplicant/
  * debian/control:
    - added Vcs-Git and Vcs-Browser fields
    - added libselinux1-dev, libattr1-dev, libacl1-dev to build dependencies
  * 31_aide_postgresql: new (handle log files and pid file)
  * 31_aide_ifplugd: new (handle pid file)
  * 31_aide_dhcp3-client: added INTERFACES variable
  * 31_aide_nfs: new (handle pid files and files in /var/lib/nfs)
  * 31_aide_at: new
    - handle /var/spool/cron/at(spool|jobs)
    - handle /var/run/atd.pid
  * 31_aide_laptop-mode-tools: new
    - handle files in /var/run/laptop-mode-tools
  * 31_aide_nagios3: new
    - handle files in /var/lib/nagios3
    - handle files in /var/log/nagios3
    - handle files in /var/run/nagios3
    - handle files in /var/cache/nagios3
  * 31_aide_slapd: new
    - handle files in /var/lib/ldap/
    - handle files in /var/run/slapd
    - handle /var/run/ldapi
  * 31_aide_nslcd: new (handle files in /var/run/nslcd)
  * 31_aide_dbus: new (handle files in /var/run/dbus)
  * 31_aide_vpnc: new (handle /var/run/vpnc)
  * 31_aide_portmap: new
    - handle /lib/init/rw/sendsigs.omit.d/portmap
    - handle files in /var/run
  * 31_aide_kerberos: new (handle temp files)
  * 31_aide_dhcpd: new (handle pid file)
  * 31_aide_rkhunter:
    - fixed handling of old log file
    - handle files in /var/lib/rkhunter/db/
  * 31_aide_apcupsd: handle /var/lock/LCK..
  * 31_aide_xfree86-common: replaced with empty dummy, rules
    are now in 31_aide_x11-common
  * 31_aide_x11-common: new (handle dirs in /tmp)
  * 31_aide_opie-server: new (handle /etc/opiekeys)
  * 31_aide_network: new (handle /var/run/network)
  * 31_aide_anubis: new (handle pid file)
  * 31_aide_pcscd: new (handle files in /var/run/pcscd)
  * 31_aide_resolvconf: handle files in /lib/init/rw/resolvconf
  * 31_aide_tiger: new (handle /var/lib/tiger/work and files in /var/log/tiger)
  * 31_aide_alsa: new (handle asound.state file)
  * 31_aide_mdadm: new (handle files in /var/run/mdadm and /lib/init/rw/mdadm)
  * 31_aide_rsyslog: handle /lib/init/rw/sendsigs.omit.d/rsyslog
  * 31_aide_lib-init-rw: new (handle some files in /lib/init/rw)
  * 31_aide_hapsd: new (handle pid file)
  * 31_aide_smartmontools: new (handle pid file)
  * 31_aide_mail: new (handle files in /var/mail)
  * 31_aide_fcron: new (handle spool files, fifo and pid file)
  * 31_aide_lighttpd: new (handle log files, pid file and php sockets)
  * 31_aide_nscd: new (handle /var/run/nscd and cache files)
  * 31_aide_aptitude_frqchg: replaced with empty dummy, rules
    are contained in 31_aide_aptitude
  * 31_aide_hald: removed unneeded rule for acl-list file
  * 31_aide_munin:
    - added rule for munin-node pid file
    - fixed handling of files in /var/run/munin/
  * aide.conf:
    - added new rules (VarTime, VarInode, VarDirInode)
    - added link name attribute to InodeData and VarFile
    - added summarize_changes option (by default disabled)
    - added acl, xattrs and selinux attributes to InodeData, VarFile, VarDir,
      VarDirInode and Log
    - replaced obsolete checksums md5 and sha1 with sha256 and sha512
  * 31_aide_lvm2: fixed handling of cache file and added rule for lock dir
  * 31_aide_libvirt-bin: new
    - handle files in /var/run/libvirt
    - handle /var/lib/libvirt/qemu and /var/cache/libvirt/qemu
  * 31_aide_nrpe: new (handle pid file)
  * 31_aide_aptitude: added rules for log rotation and exclude lock file
  * 31_aide_fail2ban: added rules for /var/run/fail2ban, socket and pid file
  * 31_aide_screen: added rule for /var/run/screen

 -- Marc Haber <mh+debian-packa...@zugschlus.de>  Sun, 28 Feb 2010 17:20:43 

aide (0.13.1-11) unstable; urgency=low

  * Fix ] typo in 31_aide_amanda-server. Closes: #476502
  * Add 30_aide_bind9 example to automatically snarf BINDCHROOT
    setting from /etc/default/bind9. Modify bind9 rules appropriately.
    Thanks to Guido Bozzetto. Closes: #475983
  * 31_aide_mailman: message number in archive dir can have six digits
  * 31_aide_proftpd: logs are in a subdir
  * Patches by Hannes von Haugwitz:
    * 31_aide_exim4_logs: fix log rotation
    * 31_aide_clamav: fix log rotation. Closes: #540748
    * 31_aide_munin: apply patch from Hannes von Haugwitz. Closes: #541680
    * 31_aide_cron-apt: fix log rotation: Closes: #540987
    * 31_aide_clamav-freshclam: fix log rotation. Closes: #544688
    * 31_aide_mailman: fix log rotation. Closes: #544765
    * 31_aide_apache2: fix log rotation. Closes: #544768
    * 31_aide_acpid: process pid file. Closes: #544817
    * 31_aide_clamav-freshclam, 31_aide_clamav: handle pid file.
      Closes: #544818
    * 31_aide_munin-nodes. don't fail if munin is not installed.
      Closes: #545011
    * 31_aide_bind9. Fix typo in svn version. Closes: #545014
  * New files by Hannes von Haugwitz:
    * 31_aide_rsyslogd
    * 31_aide_cracklib-runtime
    * 31_aide_logcheck
    * 31_aide_rkhunter
    * 31_aide_apt-file. Closes: #542541
    * 31_aide_hald. Closes: #541478
    * 31_aide_fail2ban. Closes: #541345
    * 31_aide_apt-show-versions. Closes: #544690
    * 31_aide_ddclient: Closes: #544815
    * 31_aide_apcupsd. Closes: #544816
  * Apply patches by Guido Günther:
    * New postgrey rule. Closes: #500438
    * Optimize munin rules (and add munin-nodes). Closes: #500159
    * fix udev backslash escaping (also thanks to Ian Redfern).
      Closes: #506747, #472692
  * 31_aide_syslog: replace with empty dummy
  * cron.daily: protect $LOGHEAD and $MAILHEAD with :- in two more
    places. Closes: #544414
  * more README.Debian clarifications, again, thanks to Russell Gadd
    and Bill Wohler.
  * remove obsolete TODO file
  * Fix typo in debian/control, thanks to Rogério Brito. Closes: #520019
  * debian/control: clarify that aide-xen should be used in both DomU
    and Dom0
  * Adapt Package to later Debian policy:
    * make sure that /var/run exists in daily cron job. Closes: #501848.
    * Add Homepage: field.
    * Standards-Version now 3.8.3
  * build depend on debhelper 5
  * add README.source refering to /usr/share/doc/dpatch/README.source.gz
  * Add lintian overrides to aide and aide-xen for embedded-zlib
    ./usr/bin/aide. The binaries _are_ statically linked as a feature.
  * Have aide-common depend on aide | aide-binary
  * depend on bsd-mailx instead of mailx

 -- Marc Haber <mh+debian-packa...@zugschlus.de>  Tue, 08 Sep 2009 14:45:51 

aide (0.13.1-10) unstable; urgency=low

  * debian/control: fix deprecated "<" in Conflicts
  * Add explanation "b: block count" to aide.conf.5.
    Thanks to Francois Gouget. Closes: #469503
  * 31_aide_syslog: modify regexp to match kern.log as well.
    Thanks to Francois Gouget. This partly addresses #469507
  * 31_aide_checksecurity: add file with rules from
    Francois Gouget, thanks. Closes: #469508
  * example rules for debian-multimedia packages from Francois Gouget.
    * mythweb. Closes: #469511
    * mythbackend. Closes: #469509
  * Move README.Debian to aide-common
  * README.Debian: add missing space, remove vote request (no votes
    received, ever)
  * /etc/default/aide: Add hint how to obtain a variable subject
  * update-aide.conf now adds @@{ROOTPREFIX} to all lines, making
    audit of chroots and vservers with identical rules easier without
    uglifying the actual rules. Thanks to Russell Gadd.
  * more fixes to aide_fixperms, thanks to Tom Geissler.
  * introduce YEAR4D variable, make use of it
  * remove bashism from debian/rules.
    Thanks to Raphael Geissert. Closes: #472905
  * README.Debian changes, thanks to Russell Gadd:
    * clarify the role of debconf in README.Debian
    * move the wrapper paragraph lower
    * Add a little more prose about Debian's configuration scheme
  * 31_aide_apt: allow tildes in archive names
  * enable gzip_dbout again
  * Collect modified rules from Marc's productive systems:
    * re-work log mechanics, add lots of documentation
    * 31_aide_aide: Log rotation hopefully fixed
    * 31_aide_amanda-server: Take verified rule from productive system
    * 31_aide_amanda-client: Parse data from amanda config
    * 31_aide_apt: Add Release and IndexDiff for deb-src lines, remove
        sarge support including APT_VERS code. Add new var and log rules.
    * 31_aide_aptitude: add rule for /var/lock/aptitude, and config
        files in /root
    * 31_aide_bind9: BINDCHROOT is now the path to the chroot
    * 31_aide_clamav: fix log rotation rules
    * 31_aide_dokuwiki: new
    * 31_aide_exim4: remove /root/.rnd, add /var/spool/exim4/.rnd
        and -J spool files. exim4 >= 4.69-3 will place the .rnd file
        in /var/spool/exim4
    * 31_aide_exim4_logs: introduce macros, explain how to include
    * 31_aide_mailman: new
    * 31_aide_man: adapt to new directory structure
    * 31_aide_munin: rule for munin server socket
    * 31_aide_mlocate: new
    * 31_aide_nagios2: adapt to current packaging
    * 31_aide_php4: no-op file
    * 31_aide_privoxy: new
    * 31_aide_smokeping: new
    * 31_aide_spamassassin: add rule (default disabled) for rule updates
    * 31_aide_syslog: logs are rotated with seven cycles
    * 31_aide_torrus: adapt to current packages
  * R.I.P. linda

 -- Marc Haber <mh+debian-packa...@zugschlus.de>  Sun, 13 Apr 2008 09:27:49 

aide (0.13.1-9) unstable; urgency=low

  * Add versioned conflicts of aide-common with earlier aide.
    Thanks to Zoe Parsons. Closes: #443784
  * Move php4 rule to php5.
  * Add database_new to default configuration to allow aide --compare
    to be used. Thanks to Bill Wohler. Closes: #442620
  * Have aide_fixperms go through aide-common's files instead of aide.
    Thanks to Tom Geissler. Closes: #447769
  * Add ${shlibs:Depends} to aide-dynamic's Depends.
    Thanks to Tom Geissler. Closes: #447773
  * build-depend on libmhash 0.9.7 instead of 0.9.7-1 (lintian)
  * Standards-Version: 3.7.3 (no changes necessary) (lintian)
  * remove unused linda override directory from aide-common.dirs (lintian)
  * override start-stop-daemon-in-maintainer-script error for
    aide-common (lintian)
  * Add proper copyright (lintian)

 -- Marc Haber <mh+debian-packa...@zugschlus.de>  Tue, 26 Feb 2008 23:36:16 

aide (0.13.1-8) unstable; urgency=low

  * Have aide, aide-xen and aide-dynamic conflict mutually.
    Thanks to Michael Ablassmeier. Closes: #429906
  * 70_aide_dev: Escape hashes in file names.
    Thanks to Sebastian Maus. Closes: #440674

 -- Marc Haber <mh+debian-packa...@zugschlus.de>  Wed, 12 Sep 2007 23:30:57 

aide (0.13.1-7) unstable; urgency=low

  * fix log file rules for clamav and freshclam. Fix regexp for clamav.
    Thanks, again, to Tim Stoop. Closes: #418623
  * better exclusion rule for /var/lib/amavis/tmp.
    Tim again. Closes: #418626
  * Remove /var/run/aide on aide-common purge.
    Thanks to Dr. Markus Waldeck. Closes: #426089

 -- Marc Haber <mh+debian-packa...@zugschlus.de>  Sat, 16 Jun 2007 22:26:07 

aide (0.13.1-6) experimental; urgency=low

  * remove unecessary confmodule call from postrm.
    Thanks to Michael Ablassmeier. Closes: #416641
  * Use ucfr/ucfq. Depend on ucf >= 2.0020.
  * Add clamav-freshclam recipe. Thanks to Tim Stoop. Closes: #418623
  * Add libapache2-mod-fastcgi recipe from Tim Stoop. Closes: #418628
  * Add preliminary amavisd-new recipe from Tim Stoop. Closes: #418626
  * 31_aide_apt: Fix gratuitous "VarFile" in ARCHIVESDIR handling.
    Thanks to Tim Stoop, again.
  * Change sysconfdir in configure call to
    to no longer point to a world writeable location and to give a
    better error message. Thanks to Goswin von Brederlow. Closes: #373255
  * cron.daily/aide: Fix broken temp file handling in de-noising code
    and adapt code to new aide output format.
    Thanks to Guillaume Lécroart. Closes: #419676
  * Split package into -common and different binary packages to help
    architectures that do not cope well with statically linked binaries.
  * remove DH_COMPAT line from debian/rules

 -- Marc Haber <mh+debian-packa...@zugschlus.de>  Thu, 24 May 2007 15:33:50 

aide (0.13.1-5) unstable; urgency=low

  * 31_aide_apt:
    * add rule generation for deb-src lines
    * fix ARCHIVESDIR/lock for sarge
  * 31_aide_aide: Apply patch by Tim Stoop. Closes: #412320
  * cron.daily:
    * handle broken hostname
    * fix language issue regarding return code
    * remove last references to former CHANGES variable.
      Thanks to P.M. van Aalten. Closes: #411823
  * zg2.d/31_local_apt_settings: set IGNORE_FRQCHG yes by default
  * 31_aide_dovecot: add /var/lib/dovecot
  * 31_aide_exim4:
    * zap obsolete rule for dh-params
    * add /root/.rnd (side effect of openssl gendh)

 -- Marc Haber <mh+debian-packa...@zugschlus.de>  Tue,  6 Mar 2007 12:03:24 

aide (0.13.1-4) unstable; urgency=low

  * Rule tweaks thanks to Tim Stoop. Closes: #407280
    * 31_aide_syslog: add mail.err and mail.warn, move mail.log to mail clause
    * 31_aide_apt_unstable, 31_aide_apt_stable, 31_aide_apt_frqchange:
      no-op contents with comments, replace functionality with new
      scripted rule 31_aide_apt.
  * 10_aide_hostname: set @@{ARCH}. Closes: #407328
  * postinst: handle OLDSUM correctly if no old file found. Closes: #407326
  * 31_aide_ifupdown: make IFSTATE a variable, handle non-symlinks as
  * update-aide.conf: Export some variables to make them available in
    config scripts
  * 70_aide_tmp, 31_aide_tetex-bin: add rules
  * add 31_aide_dlocate thanks to Tim Stoop
  * examples/31_example_exclude-homes: use awk -v
  * debian/control: add ucf dependency for zg2 package
  * README.Debian: add warning that aide needs memory

 -- Marc Haber <mh+debian-packa...@zugschlus.de>  Sun, 11 Feb 2007 12:05:39 

aide (0.13.1-3) unstable; urgency=low

  * add trailing slash to home directory in zg2 rules to avoid
    unexpected prefix
  * Adapt 31_aide_ifupdown rule: ifstate has moved to /etc/network/run
    and might be hidden behind a symlink. Leave option to select sarge
  * refactor cron job to handle lock files and cleanup better.
    Thanks to Matthijs van Aalten. Closes: #406206
  * aide.conf.d/31_aide_modules: Allow hyphens in kernel version number.
  * Have aide wrapper hand through aide's return code.
  * have aideinit and cron job do useful things with aide's return code.
    Closes: #226138
  * debian/copyright: Add myself as co-maintainer
  * 31_aide_syslog: Add user.log to syslog file list.
    Thanks to Tim Stoop. Closes: #407247

 -- Marc Haber <mh+debian-packa...@zugschlus.de>  Wed, 17 Jan 2007 11:48:00 

aide (0.13.1-2) unstable; urgency=low

  * Fix aide.db paths in aideinit man page. Closes: #403342, #377383
  * Fix ERRORTMP occurrence in cron job.
    Thanks to Fridtjof Busse. Closes: #403437

 -- Marc Haber <mh+debian-packa...@zugschlus.de>  Tue, 19 Dec 2006 12:51:03 

aide (0.13.1-1) unstable; urgency=low

  * new upstream version. Closes: #402785

 -- Marc Haber <mh+debian-packa...@zugschlus.de>  Fri, 15 Dec 2006 17:53:46 

aide (0.13-1) unstable; urgency=low

  * new upstream version
  * mkdir /var/run/aide in postinst

 -- Marc Haber <mh+debian-packa...@zugschlus.de>  Fri,  8 Dec 2006 10:44:04 

aide (0.13~rc2-1) experimental; urgency=low

  * upstream release candidate
  * remove --with-mhash, --with-gcrypt from configure command line,
    the libs are now detected automatically
  * Activate the whirlpool hash in the default configuration
  * Build-Depends:
    * allow building with flex (not flex-old) while avoiding the known
      broken flex 2.5.31
    * tighten up versioned build dependency on libmash-dev, older
      libmhash (known: the 0.9.1 from sarge) do not support whirlpool.
  * major re-work of daily aide cron job:
    * Include aide data including checksums of the new and old AIDE
      database in the daily cron job report. Thanks to Mike Markley for
      this great idea.
    * More quotes
    * Better handling of temp files
    * Adapt 31_aide_aide to properly cope with the new temp files
  * Adapt numerous rule files to changed package behavior
  * Fix postrm to now cleanly purge.

 -- Marc Haber <mh+debian-packa...@zugschlus.de>  Sun, 26 Nov 2006 10:42:52 

aide (0.12.20061028-1) experimental; urgency=low

  * upstream CVS snapshot including a lot of stabilty patches from Redhat

 -- Marc Haber <mh+debian-packa...@zugschlus.de>  Sat, 28 Oct 2006 11:17:45 

aide (0.12-2) unstable; urgency=low

  * first try at dotlocking the cron job. This might be a possible
    solution for #245423.
  * Update French (fr) debconf translation.
    Thanks to Gregory Colpart. Closes: #393294
  * Update Spanish (es) debconf translation.
    Thanks to Rudy Godoy. Closes: #393781

 -- Marc Haber <mh+debian-packa...@zugschlus.de>  Fri, 20 Oct 2006 07:39:25 

aide (0.12-1) unstable; urgency=low

  * new upstream version

 -- Marc Haber <mh+debian-packa...@zugschlus.de>  Thu,  5 Oct 2006 07:44:53 

aide ( experimental; urgency=low

  * New upstream release candidate 0.12-rc2
  * Re-word copynew template and remove warnnew template as suggested
    by Thomas Huriaux. Closes: #385999
  * Update Russian (ru) debconf translation.
    Thanks to Yuri Kozlov. (mh) Closes: #386790, #388994
  * Update Dutch (nl) debconf translation.
    Thanks to cobaco (aka Bart Cornelis). Closes: #390619
  * Update Vietnamese (vi) debconf translation.
    Thanks to Clytie Siddall. Closes: #390307
  * Update Portuguese (pt) debconf translation.
    Thanks to Marco Ferra.
  * Update Czech (cs) debconf translation.
    Thanks to Miroslav Kure. Closes: #389117
  * Update Swedish (sv) debconf translation.
    Thanks to Daniel Nylander. Closes: #388778
  * Update Polish (pl) debconf translation.
    Thanks to Marcin Owsiany.
  * Update French (fr) debconf translation.
    Thanks to Gregory Colpart. Closes: #381547
  * Update Japanese (ja) debconf translation.
    Thanks to Hideki Yamane. Closes: #389062
  * Update Brazilian Portuguese (pt_BR) debconf translation.
    Thanks to André Luís Lopes.
  * Update German (de) debconf translation.
    Thanks to Erik Schanze. Closes: #390763
  * Fix abuse of debconf notes:
    * Remove setmailaddress template, move text to README.Debian.
    * Remove mustaideinit template, make aideinit template more verbose.
    * Make debconf templates more policy compliant.
    * Thanks to Christian Perrier. Closes: #388704
  * Streamline aide and AIDE use: AIDE refers to the project and the
    program, while aide is the Debian package and the actual binary.
    Thanks to Erik Schanze.
  * Add vserver section to README.Debian. Thanks to Christian Thaeter
    for this idea. Closes: #387463

 -- Marc Haber <mh+debian-packa...@zugschlus.de>  Wed,  4 Oct 2006 13:16:06 

aide ( experimental; urgency=low

  * New post-0.12-rc1 CVS snapshot.
    * No extra "No such file or directory" error messages any more.
      Closes: #247685.
    * No longer segfaults on --config-check and @@ifnhost.
      Thanks to Andy Spiegl. Closes:  #244917.
    * Adapt 10-manpages.dpatch
    * remove all other patches (incorporated upstream)
  * Update French (fr) debconf translation.
    Thanks to Christian Perrier. (mh) Closes: #369242
  * Update Czech (cs) debconf translation.
    Thanks to Miroslav Kure. (mh) Closes: #370312
  * Fix/Remove paths in FILES section of aide.1 man page.
    Thanks to Dr. Markus Waldeck. Closes: #377383
  * Fix typo in README.Debian.
    Thanks to Richard van den Berg. Closes: #378438
  * Fix syslog rules. Thanks to Richard van den Berg.

 -- Marc Haber <mh+debian-packa...@zugschlus.de>  Tue,  8 Aug 2006 13:57:39 

aide (0.11a-4) unstable; urgency=low

  * statically link against libmhash 0.9.6-2, which might fix some
    issues on big-endian archs.
  * Tighten up build-deps to force buildds to link against the same
    libmhash. The versioned build-dep can be removed for backports, at the
    price of probably not running on big-endian archs.
  * 70_aide_dev: allow two digit /dev/pts numbers.
  * 31_aide_inn2: /var/spool/news/incoming is VarDir itself
  * Update Dutch (nl) debconf translation.
    Thanks to cobaco (aka Bart Cornelis). (mh) Closes: #363652
  * Update Swedish (sv) debconf translation.
    Thanks to Daniel Nylander. (mh) Closes: #365774
  * Call dh_installexamples from debian/rules, to actually include
    31_example_exclude-homes into package.
    Thanks to Glyn Kennington for spotting this. (mh) Closes: #361714
  * Do not define HOSTNAME, DNSDOMAINNAME and FQDN if the
    corresponding binary gives no output. Adapt rules to not fail in
    case of undefined variable.
    Thanks to Corey Wright and Craig Small. Closes: #366776
  * Fix badly formatted debian/NEWS file.
  * Fix incorrect dotlockfile presence test.
    Thanks to Bob Proulx. Closes: #367333
  * Fix issues addressed by Bob Proulx (thanks!). Closes: #367337.
    * Move
      * aide wrapper to aide.wrapper
        * add man page for aide.wrapper
      * aide.real to aide
        * fix lintian and linda overrides
    * This kind of restores expected aide behavior.
    * Debian scripts now call aide.wrapper explicitly
      * thus, our lock locks the Debian configuration only and
        not the aide binary.
    * use "$@" instead of $@ in aide.wrapper
    * keep accidentally invoked aide from tampering with Debian database:
      * set sysconfdir to /tmp/empty
      * set config_file to /dev/null
      * have wrapper explicitly set --config /etc/aide/aide.conf
      * do not set --config explicitly in aideinit
  * zap /var/lib files instead of /var/log in postinst
  * replace ` with $() in aideinit
  * handle /var/log/apache2/suexec.log.* if
    /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/suexec.load exists.
    Thanks to Craig Small. Closes: #368935
  * Fix dumb scripting error in aide.conf.d/31_aide_amanda-server
    Thanks to Craig Small. Closes: #368409
  * Minor modifications to the Debconf templates to make lintian happy.
  * Standards-Version: 3.7.2 (no change necessary).

 -- Marc Haber <mh+debian-packa...@zugschlus.de>  Fri, 26 May 2006 12:44:51 

aide (0.11a-3) unstable; urgency=low

  * fix bashism in /etc/aide/aide.conf.d/10_aide_hostname.
    Thanks to Michael Gurski. Closes: #361550
  * Update Russian (ru) debconf translation.
    Thanks to Yuri Kozlov. (mh) Closes: #361647
  * fix rules:
    * 31_aide_exim4: /var/spool/exim4 is VarDir itself
  * Document that aide might run for a long time on big systems, add
    31_example_exclude-homes to show how to exclude home directories.
    Thanks to Frank Lichtenheld and maximilian attems. (mh) Closes: #361714
  * Fix cron job quiet reports.
    Thanks to Fridtjof Busse. (mh) Closes: #362441

 -- Marc Haber <mh+debian-packa...@zugschlus.de>  Sat, 15 Apr 2006 10:43:26 

aide (0.11a-2) unstable; urgency=low

  * include end timestamp and run time into cron job log file
  * New configuration scheme:
    * add aide.conf.d to package
    * new aide.conf file
    * aide.conf.d with package-dependent files
    * Documentation in NEWS
  * use ucf
  * add aide.* prefix to debhelper control files to ease creation of
    second binary package
  * introduce optional (default=off) aide-config-zg2 package holding
    non-standard rules
  * patch aide to avoid "There are rules referring to non-existing
    directories" by default. Patch submitted upstream.
  * update-aide.conf: change default handling for UPAC_CONFD[DIR] to
    allow more flexible configuration.
  * debian/rules: use more debhelper magic
    * dh_installcron
    * dh_installinit (to move /etc/default/aide)
    * dh_install
  * fix debian/rules so that the package actually gets built only once.
  * add space after "added:" and similar output strings

 -- Marc Haber <mh+debian-packa...@zugschlus.de>  Tue,  4 Apr 2006 06:06:45 

aide (0.11a-1) unstable; urgency=low

  * New upstream CVS snapshot version with some minor fixes. Inclusion
    in Debian coordinated with Upstream.
    * Fix wrongly reported version number. See
      Thanks to Stefan Sontheimer for noticing. Closes: #355091
    * Document that aide cannot be killed with SIGTERM in man page.
      Closes: #168264
  * Update German (de) debconf translation.
    Thanks to Erik Schanze. (mh) Closes: #345696
  * Update Dutch (nl) debconf translation.
    Thanks to Bart Cornelis. (mh) Closes: #354589
  * re-work cron job and defaults file
    * Fix QUIETREPORTS which was broken since aide began generating
      output even if no changes were detected
    * Introduce COPYNEWDB parameter to have new database copied to old
      one, making ANF/ARF actually useful for rotated log files
    * Use $() instead of ``
    * Introduce MAILSUBJ to cron.daily, document in /etc/default/aide.
    * Pull FQDN initialization before /etc/default/aide source, allowing
      FQDN to be used and changed in /etc/default/aide. Document.
  * zap aide.conf.autogenerated on purge.
  * re-work README.Debian.
  * update-aide.conf:
    * Allow --confdir to be overridden from /etc/default/aide
    * Introduce --confd to allow snippet directory to be set
      independently. Overrideable from /etc/default/aide
    * If an input file is executeable, use its standard output for aide
    * Documentation

 -- Marc Haber <mh+debian-packa...@zugschlus.de>  Tue, 14 Mar 2006 14:18:11 

aide (0.11-1) unstable; urgency=low

  * new released upstream version
  * Have /var/lib/dpkg/info/*.md5sums rule also allow dots in the file
    name. Thanks to Glyn Kennington. Closes: #351433
  * add some $ to regexp ends in default config.

 -- Marc Haber <mh+debian-packa...@zugschlus.de>  Sun, 19 Feb 2006 17:53:00 

aide ( experimental; urgency=low

  * new upstream version
  * remove patches that are not needed any more because of adapted
  * Update Swedish (sv) debconf translation.
    Thanks to Daniel Nylander. (mh) Closes: #350721
  * Swap Mike and Marc in Uploaders to reflect new responsibilities.

 -- Marc Haber <mh+debian-packa...@zugschlus.de>  Thu,  2 Feb 2006 21:07:14 

aide ( experimental; urgency=low

  * new upstream CVS snapshot
  * this allows more verbose logging of file matching

 -- Marc Haber <mh+debian-packa...@zugschlus.de>  Thu, 15 Dec 2005 18:25:20 

aide ( experimental; urgency=low

  * the "Thanks Mr. Troup for breaking dpkg-sig" release, see #340306
  * not signed with dpkg-sig but with debsign
  * reducing upload security at ftpmaster's request

 -- Marc Haber <mh+debian-packa...@zugschlus.de>  Thu, 24 Nov 2005 09:56:27 

aide ( experimental; urgency=low

  * new upstream CVS snapshot
  * added/removed files are now reported again.
  * bump DH_COMPAT to 4

 -- Marc Haber <mh+debian-packa...@zugschlus.de>  Wed, 23 Nov 2005 09:09:24 

aide ( UNRELEASED; urgency=low

  * new local CVS snapshot of which Pablo says that reporting
    added/removed files works again.
  * wrapper now refuses to run aide twice, depend on liblockfile1

 -- Marc Haber <mh+debian-packa...@zugschlus.de>  Tue, 22 Nov 2005 07:50:31 

aide ( UNRELEASED; urgency=low

  * new upstream CVS snapshot which fixes ANF (allow new files)
  * new upstream CVS snapshot which adds ARF (allow removed files)
  * Fix typo in Debconf template and all po files, hopefully not
    fuzzying them that way. Thanks to Morten Brix Pedersen.
  * Update Danish (da) debconf translation thanks for Morten Brix
    Pedersen. (mh) Closes: #340136

 -- Marc Haber <mh+debian-packa...@zugschlus.de>  Mon, 21 Nov 2005 08:51:21 

aide ( experimental; urgency=low

  * new upstream CVS snapshot which adds ANF (allow new files)

 -- Marc Haber <mh+debian-packa...@zugschlus.de>  Wed,  9 Nov 2005 14:00:26 

aide ( experimental; urgency=low

  * new upstream release candidate
  * have pkg-aide-maintainers as Maintainer, Mike and Marc as Uploaders
  * New Portuguese (pt) debconf translation thanks to Miguel
    Figueiredo and Marco Ferra. (mh) Closes: #336336

 -- Marc Haber <mh+debian-packa...@zugschlus.de>  Thu,  3 Nov 2005 20:31:46 

aide ( experimental; urgency=low

  * new upstream CVS snapshot after 0.11rc1
    * Prints stop timestamp whenever start timestamp is printed.
      Closes: #247954
  * Fix changelog entry that didn't close bug.
    (mh) Closes: #226256.

 -- Marc Haber <mh+debian-packa...@zugschlus.de>  Thu, 27 Oct 2005 09:12:47 

aide ( experimental; urgency=low

  * new upstream CVS snapshot after 0.11rc1
    * doesn't segfault any more on two close backslashes in config file.
      Closes: #247210
    * doesn't segfault any more on aide -c, more robustly detects errors
      in config file. Closes: #237969
  * adapt Debian patches. (mh)
  * remove error level patches to see what upstream's defaults are. (mh)
  * remove typo patches, they're fixed upstream. (mh)
  * Add Last-Translator setting to sv.po, (mh)
  * Updated French (fr) debconf translation thanks to Christian Perrier.
    (mh) Closes: #334256
  * Updated Czech (cs) debconf translation thanks to Miroslav Kure.
    (mh) Closes: #335576
  * Add upstream URL to debian/control, minor cosmetic changes. (mh)
  * Fix download URL in debian/copyright. (mh)
  * remove $ERRORTMP on abnormal cron job exit. Thanks to Bart
    Cortooms. (mh) Closes: #325731
  * Have egrep expressions in aideinit only match if the keyword is
    first in line. Thanks to Guido Bozzetto. (mh) Closes: #226256
  * Updated Swedish debconf translation thanks to Daniel Nylander.
    (mh) Closes: #335331
  * apply patchlet to allow variables in /etc/defaults/aide.
    (mh) Closes: #247510
  * fix aide wrapper to not mistetect --config-check as --config. (mh)

 -- Marc Haber <mh+debian-packa...@zugschlus.de>  Tue, 25 Oct 2005 12:58:26 

aide (0.10-11) unstable; urgency=low

  * correct wrong path to the templates file in POTFILES.in. Run
    debconf-updatepo in debian/rules clean. Execute debconf-updatepo in
    source package. Thanks, Thomas Huriaux. (mh) Closes: #331681

 -- Marc Haber <mh+debian-packa...@zugschlus.de>  Tue,  4 Oct 2005 17:01:37 

aide (0.10-10) unstable; urgency=low

  * Updated Swedish debconf translation thanks to Daniel Nylander.
    (mh) Closes: #330259

 -- Marc Haber <mh+debian-packa...@zugschlus.de>  Mon,  3 Oct 2005 08:09:39 

aide (0.10-9) experimental; urgency=low

  * Only invoke update-aide.conf from wrapper if no --config option
    was given. Thanks to Bob Proulx and Al Nikolov. (mh) Closes: #293457
  * Invoke update-aide.conf from daily cronjob, invoke
    update-aide.conf from aideinit if no special --config option was
    given. Thanks to David Robb, Rolf Kutz, Herbert Thielen, Bob Proulx,
    and Hadmut Danisch. (mh) Closes: #293073, #293456, #299765
  * Change Debconf template so that the hint to /etc/default/aide
    doesn't appear as a question. Thanks to the anonymous bug reporter.
    (mh) Closes: #315630.
  * Remove artificial libc6 dependency. aide is statically linked and
    does not depend on libc at all. Re-enable debhelper magic.
    Thanks to Santiago Vila. (mh) Closes: #298303
  * New Vietnamese debconf translation thanks to Clytie Siddall.
    (mh) Closes: #313017
  * New Czech debconf translation thanks to Miroslav Kure.
    (mh) Closes: #315819
  * Lower debconf priorities. Thanks to Maximilian Attems.
    (mh) Closes: #295190
  * Ship with empty NOISE in /etc/defaults/aide. Thanks to Herbert
    Thielen, Christophe Chisogne and Ralf Hildebrandt. (mh) Closes: #260942
  * Move AIDEARGS to /etc/defaults/aide. (mh) Closes: #247686
  * More manpage fixes to aide.1.
    Thanks to Sven Hoexter. (mh) Closes: #312671
  * remove po-debconf woody backporting helper, use misc:Depends for
    debconf dependency to no longer hinder cdebconf migration.

 -- Marc Haber <mh+debian-packa...@zugschlus.de>  Tue, 27 Sep 2005 17:39:10 

aide (0.10-8) experimental; urgency=low

  * acknowledge NMUs 0.10-6.1 and 0.10-6.2. Thanks guys.
  * move development to alioth SVN repository, import Mike's CVS
  * Include pl.po and zh_TW.po in repository which weren't there.
    Forgotten cvs add? (mh)
  * Less aggressive removals of files on purge. (mm)
  * Move upstream patches to debian/patches, use dpatch. (mh)
  * Standards-Version: 3.6.2 (no changes necessary). (mh)
  * put quotes around .IP parameters in man pages to get rid of
    errors. (mh)
  * fix broken /usr/doc handling in prerm, remove bashisms. (mh)
  * Add debugging code to maintainer scripts. (mh)
  * Call update-aide.conf in postinst before creating database. (mh)

 -- Marc Haber <mh+debian-packa...@zugschlus.de>  Sun, 18 Sep 2005 16:24:43 

aide (0.10-7) unstable; urgency=low

  * Added errormessage() function to update-aide.conf (Closes: #300454)

 -- Mike Markley <m...@markley.org>  Sat,  7 May 2005 19:21:54 -0700

aide (0.10-6.2) unstable; urgency=medium

  * NMU to update static zlib with one that is not vulnerable to
    CAN-2005-2096. Closes: #317523

 -- Joey Hess <jo...@debian.org>  Sun,  4 Sep 2005 15:55:43 -0400

aide (0.10-6.1) unstable; urgency=low

  * Non-maintainer upload
  * Updated Dutch debconf translation thanks to Bart Cornelis
    (Closes: #260296)
  * Updated German debconf translation thanks to Erik Schanze
    (Closes: #252495)
  * New Traditional Chinese debconf translation thanks to Asho Yeh
  * New Polish debconf translation thanks to Marcin Owsiany
  * doc/aide.1 doc/aide.conf.5: Fixed hyphen as minus sign

 -- Luk Claes <l...@debian.org>  Fri, 18 Feb 2005 08:36:15 +0100

aide (0.10-6) unstable; urgency=low

  * Oops. Wrong PATH in the new wrapper in -5.

 -- Mike Markley <m...@markley.org>  Sun, 30 Jan 2005 18:18:59 -0800

aide (0.10-5) unstable; urgency=low

  * Added support for /etc/aide/aide.conf.d directory with patch
    from Marc Haber (Closes: #267978)
  * Added updated Japanese debconf translation I'd overlooked
    (Closes: #266790)
  * Added Marc Haber as a co-maintainer.

 -- Mike Markley <m...@markley.org>  Sun, 30 Jan 2005 18:17:02 -0800

aide (0.10-4) unstable; urgency=medium

  * Changed $DENOISE check in cron script to $NOISE (Closes: #247689)
  * Updated Brazilian debconf template (Closes: #262600)
  * Updated Danish debconf template (Closes: #243070)
  * Updated Japanese debconf template (Closes: #243265)

 -- Mike Markley <m...@markley.org>  Sun,  1 Aug 2004 18:20:46 -0700

aide (0.10-3) unstable; urgency=low

  * Tweak the debug levels again. This is a patch from CVS that
    makes the debug levels between 0 and 5 a great deal more granular
    than they were, while leaving the default level as it was before.
  * Adjust the cron script to use -V4 as per the new verbosity levels
    provided by the aforementioned patch (Closes: #243140)
  * Add /dev/xconsole to ignored devices in aide.conf
  * Fiddle with default /var/log config lines

 -- Mike Markley <m...@markley.org>  Sun,  2 May 2004 14:37:32 -0700

aide (0.10-2) unstable; urgency=low

  * Patch src/Makefile.am and .in for include directory precedence
    to fix the conflict that sometimes happens when building with
    libdb-dev installed
  * Added Japanese debconf translation (Closes: #225847)
  * Added Greek debconf translation (Closes: #229532, #229500, #229524)
  * Added Russian debconf translation (Closes: #140888)
  * Use ISO-8601 date format (Closes: #228201)
  * Move configuration for cron and update scripts to /etc/default/aide
  * Add QUIETREPORTS option to suppress mail reports when there's nothing
    changed (Closes: #190186)
  * Some debconf templates have changed; I gladly accept any updated

 -- Mike Markley <m...@markley.org>  Sun, 28 Mar 2004 19:31:52 -0800

aide (0.10-1) unstable; urgency=low

  * The "Bite the Bullet" release
  * New upstream version (Closes: #222427)
  * Now ignoring /var/log/ksymoops by default (Closes: #166681)
  * Depends: on mailx instead of Recommends: (Closes: #213135)
  * Clarified purpose in long description (Closes: #171977)
  * Added Danish debconf translation (Closes: #174739)
  * Added Dutch debconf translation (Closes: #206324)
  * Added Colin Watson's code for po-debconf handling on woody
    as per Marc Haber's suggestion (Closes: #217830)
  * Add checks to the /var/lib/dpkg/info/*.md5sums example to make
    it syntatically correct without changes (Closes: #222114, #222422)
  * Add README.Debian note about mmap() error and modify default
    config to skip /dev/cpu/mtrr (Closes: #224010)
  * Included Marc Haber's replacement cron script basically verbatim
    (Closes: #130375, #148147)
  * New separate error condition for @@end_db should take care of the
    not implemented errors (Closes: #163233, #222739)
  * Update to DH_COMPAT 3
  * Remove patches that are integrated upstream
  * Temporarily leave output_readability patch unapplied because
    it would break po translation. I'll integrate this into upstream
    CVS with appropriate po changes.
  * Tighten up build-deps on libmhash-dev to exclude the versions
    that did not include libmhash.a. Allow old versions with the
    proper lib to aid backporting.
  * Standards version 3.6.1.
  * Remove debconf ugliness from the aideinit script. All debconf
    prompting is now done in config.

 -- Mike Markley <m...@markley.org>  Fri, 19 Dec 2003 04:33:44 -0800

aide (0.9-4) unstable; urgency=low

  * Applied patch for va_list problems and a bad malloc, many thanks
    to Sam Hocevar (Closes: #154829)

 -- Mike Markley <m...@markley.org>  Fri, 13 Jun 2003 23:26:48 -0700

aide (0.9-3) unstable; urgency=low

  * Fix LC_MESSAGES directory (Closes: #190411)
  * Moved debconf templates to po-debconf w/patch from Andre Luis Lopes
    (Closes: #187508)
  * Build-Depends: on flex-old until changes for new flex are made
    (Closes: #191184)

 -- Mike Markley <m...@markley.org>  Sat, 24 May 2003 03:02:34 -0700

aide (0.9-2) unstable; urgency=low

  * Added patch to conf_yacc.y for missing ;s (Closes: #165342)

 -- Mike Markley <m...@markley.org>  Thu,  7 Nov 2002 22:51:20 -0800

aide (0.9-1) unstable; urgency=low

  * New upstream release.
  * Tiger support works again (Closes: #144092)

 -- Mike Markley <m...@markley.org>  Sat, 22 Jun 2002 02:05:10 -0700

aide (0.8-2) unstable; urgency=low

  * Added build-dep for libgcrypt-dev (Closes: #136408, #137808)

 -- Mike Markley <m...@markley.org>  Fri, 15 Mar 2002 20:20:06 -0800

aide (0.8-1) unstable; urgency=low

  * New upstream release.
  * Added english back into debconf templates as per barbier's
    suggestions (Closes: #134500)

 -- Mike Markley <m...@markley.org>  Tue, 19 Feb 2002 23:41:29 -0800

aide (0.7-11) unstable; urgency=low

  * Fixed errorlog output display in cron script (Closes: #118013)
  * Made output a little more readable with newlines (Closes: #90471)
  * Implemented a LINES define as per Marc Haber's suggestions
    Closes: #96734
  * Added Brazilian Portuguese debconf template (Closes: #106939)
  * Now testing just /proc, not its contents, in default config
  * Updated build-dep from libz-dev to zlib1g-dev
  * Accidentally uploaded broken mkdep script previously, fixed now
    Closes: #123888

 -- Mike Markley <m...@markley.org>  Fri, 14 Dec 2001 00:17:22 -0800

aide (0.7-10) unstable; urgency=low

  * Added Spanish debconf template (Closes: #84414)
  * Updated the ugly mkdep script to know about hurd

 -- Mike Markley <m...@markley.org>  Fri, 27 Jul 2001 01:51:51 -0700

aide (0.7-9) unstable; urgency=high

  * Fixed the call to debian/mkdep in rules - can now build from source
    (Closes: #89214)
  * Now uses dpkg-gencontrol -V instead of directly modifying substvars

 -- Mike Markley <m...@markley.org>  Fri, 16 Mar 2001 11:42:52 -0800

aide (0.7-8) unstable; urgency=high

  * The build should now correctly determine the correct libc dependencies
    (Closes: #87597)

 -- Mike Markley <m...@markley.org>  Wed, 28 Feb 2001 16:02:53 -0800

aide (0.7-7) unstable; urgency=medium

  * Added swedish debconf templates (closes: #83746)
  * Added french debconf templates (closes: #83763)
  * Added german debconf template (closes: #83885)
  * Added Build-Dep for debconf-utils
  * Cron script now only mails first 1000 lines of each output file and directs
    the recipient of the reports to the filename in which to find the output.
    Closes: #83108

 -- Mike Markley <m...@markley.org>  Mon, 29 Jan 2001 14:23:23 -0800

aide (0.7-6) unstable; urgency=medium

  * Added debhelper to build-depends (I need to somehow remind myself to do this
    on all packages :), Closes: #68818

 -- Mike Markley <m...@markley.org>  Wed,  9 Aug 2000 13:56:19 -0700

aide (0.7-5) unstable; urgency=medium

  * Added a test -f for the binary at the top of cron script (Closes: #67681)
  * Cron script defaults to root if it can't find a MAILTO

 -- Mike Markley <m...@markley.org>  Mon,  7 Aug 2000 22:18:32 -0700

aide (0.7-4) unstable; urgency=medium

  * Added flex and bison to Build-Depends. closes: #64209

 -- Mike Markley <m...@markley.org>  Tue, 16 May 2000 12:56:22 -0700

aide (0.7-3) unstable; urgency=medium

  * New heavily-commented config file with a bit more caution by default
  * Removed old dir /usr/lib/aide from debian/dirs
  * Further tweaks to cron script, now puts FQDN in all reports and warns
    if the database doesn't exist (in case an attacker has simply deleted it)

 -- Mike Markley <m...@markley.org>  Thu,  4 May 2000 00:11:22 -0700

aide (0.7-2) unstable; urgency=medium

  * The cron script now gets the email address from /etc/aide/aide.conf
  * Config file now defaults to specifying gzipped databases
  * The aideinit script now passes any command-line params to aide

 -- Mike Markley <m...@markley.org>  Wed,  3 May 2000 00:40:50 -0700

aide (0.7-1) unstable; urgency=medium

  * New upstream source
  * Patch for configure.in is now in upstream source
  * Now passing --with-zlib to configure (allows compressed databases)
  * Now passing --with-mhash to configure (gives a wider variety of hash 
  * Moved data dir to /var/lib (for FHS compliancy)

 -- Mike Markley <m...@markley.org>  Sat, 29 Apr 2000 00:34:49 -0700

aide (0.6-3) unstable; urgency=low

  * Safe handling of tmp files
  * Now strips aide binary
  * Fixed manpath
  * Fixed changelog filename

 -- Mike Markley <m...@markley.org>  Fri,  7 Apr 2000 18:52:11 -0700

aide (0.6-2) unstable; urgency=low

  * Compiled for potato and moved it over to debconf

 -- Mike Markley <m...@markley.org>  Tue, 28 Mar 2000 16:31:23 -0800

aide (0.6-1) unstable; urgency=low

  * Initial Release.
  * Added a basic conf mostly yanked from manual.html
  * Modified configure.in to actually honor the --sysconfdir
  * debian/rules installs sample conf in /usr/lib/aide

 -- Mike Markley <m...@markley.org>  Thu, 17 Feb 2000 13:57:06 -0500

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