Hello Tim,

I have just uploaded prometheus-smokeping-prober 0.4.2-1, however I have
not marked this bug as solved, since the only difference between 0.4.1 and
0.4.2 is that the upstream developer bumped the go-ping build dependency
git snapshot in go.mod to a slightly later version.

As far as I can tell, the real bug (which is actually in go-ping) has not
had a fix merged yet: see https://github.com/go-ping/ping/issues/142

I have older packaged versions of prometheus-smokeping-prober (0.3.0,
0.3.1) which were definitely built with much older versions of go-ping, yet
they have bucket counts that are over 200K, so this is a little bit
bewildering. Note that the Debian go-ping build-dep has been updated since
the previous prometheus-smokeping-prober 0.4.1 package was built, however
it is still not as new as the git snapshot referred to in
smokeping_prober's go.mod

Perhaps you could take the new 0.4.2-1 package for a test drive.

Daniel Swarbrick

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