Package: python3-dev
Version: 3.9.7-1

The recent addition of python3.10:any to the dependencies
of python3-numpy under Debian testing (=bookworm) breaks
software that depends on python3-dev.

The numpy maintainer says this is not his problem:

Can you maintainers please cooperate to find a solution?

Specifically, this CMake code

    find_package(Python3 COMPONENTS Interpreter Development)

    message(STATUS "  Python3_VERSION              : ${Python3_VERSION}")
    message(STATUS "  Python3_INTERPRETER_ID       : ${Python3_INTERPRETER_ID}")
    message(STATUS "  Python3_EXECUTABLE           : ${Python3_EXECUTABLE}")
message(STATUS " Python3_STDLIB : ${Python3_STDLIB} Python3_STDARCH: ${Python3_STDARCH}") message(STATUS " Python3_SITELIB : ${Python3_SITELIB} Python3_SITEARCH: ${Python3_SITEARCH}")
    message(STATUS "  Python3_INCLUDE_DIRS         : ${Python3_INCLUDE_DIRS}")
    message(STATUS "  Python3_LIBRARIES            : ${Python3_LIBRARIES}")
    message(STATUS "  Python3_LIBRARY_DIRS         : ${Python3_LIBRARY_DIRS}")

    if(NOT Python3_FOUND)
        message(FATAL_ERROR "Python3 not found.")

results in

-- Could NOT find Python3 (missing: Python3_INCLUDE_DIRS Python3_LIBRARIES Development Development.Module Development.Embed) (found version "3.10.0")
--   Python3_VERSION              : 3.10.0
--   Python3_INTERPRETER_ID       : Python
--   Python3_EXECUTABLE           : /usr/bin/python3.10
-- Python3_STDLIB : /usr/lib/python3.10 Python3_STDARCH: /usr/lib/python3.10 -- Python3_SITELIB : /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages Python3_SITEARCH: /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages
--   Python3_INCLUDE_DIRS         :
--   Python3_LIBRARIES            : Python3_LIBRARY-NOTFOUND
--   Python3_LIBRARY_DIRS         :
CMake Error at ... (message):
  Python3 not found.

Cheers, Joachim

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