On Tue, 21 Jul 2020 11:38:18 +0100 Matthew Foulkes <m.foul...@blueyonder.co.uk> 
Package: mutt
Version: 1.14.5-1
Severity: minor
X-Debbugs-Cc: m.foul...@blueyonder.co.uk

Dear Maintainer,

Before version 1.14.15-1, mutt used to ignore extra whitespace between the end of the long name and the beginning of the email address in the aliases file. Given an aliases file organised into columns

alias   alice      Alice Aardvark            <aaardv...@animals.org>
alias   bob        Bob Bee                   <b...@animals.org>

typing "mutt alice" would have generated an email with

To: Alice Aardvark <aaardv...@animals.org>

Since the update to 1.14.15-1, all whitespace following the long name is preserved exactly and you get

To: Alice Aardvark            <aaardv...@animals.org>

I think this was a consequence of +EXACT_ADDRESS being configured. Since the Debian package now has that turned off, I think this bug should be resolved.


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