Hello Carlos,

The thing about these documentations is that there is a lot of
combinations. As you must be aware, Linux Storage is stacked up of
multiple independent components, tied tightly together to work in
unison. This often need a good understanding of each involved stack, as
well as the overall desired solution.

Documenting everything is beyond the scope, especially for a general
purpose universal distribution like Debian.

I have, in the past, personally relied on the Red Hat Storage Admin
Guide. They do a good job of documenting all the combinations and
ensuring that the documents are valid and up-to-date.


On Mon, 2021-12-20 at 16:03 +0000, BARROS FERNANDEZ, Carlos wrote:
> Hi Ritessh.
> On another server I have a stranger setup :) :
> 1 LVM over multipath
> +
> 1 LVM over mdadm-device and the mdadm-device over multipaths
> Did had problems because the mdadm-device did not setup the
> multipath, just the /dev/sdX devices
> In this case, mdadm was called from udev as soon as a block device
> was setup, so it always started the software-raid on /dev/sdX
> What I did was tell mdadm to not setup any block devices, only
> devices belonging to /dev/disk/by-id/dm-name-* because of the
> 'friendly-names' used un multipath.
> I spent some time to figure it out. 
> The file /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf should have a 'DEVICES' line that
> tells mdadm to only read those devices as follows:
> DEVICE /dev/disk/by-id/dm-name-*
> # definitions of existing MD arrays
> ARRAY  /dev/md/0 metadata=1.2
> UUID=d7285198:51ed20e4:7d1e82e6:b01569dd devices=/dev/disk/by-id/dm-
> name-* name=pandora:0
> In this case, it is simpler, but it is very different from LVM as to
> where it must be set.(I find it clearer too)
> Also, the filter in LVM only takes care of the /dev/sd[b-z) disks,
> but it is common to have several paths( and disks) like  /dev/sda[a-
> z] /dev/sdb[a-z] and so on.
> That filter would not filter out /dev/sda[a-z]*, it will use them.
> So I did change the rule in LVM to include those cases, one for
> /dev/sda[a-z] and one for /dev/sd[b-z] that covers the extra devices.
> filter = [ "a|/dev/mapper/|", "r|/block/|", "r|/disk/|", "r|/sd[b-
> z].*|", "r|/sda[a-z].*|", "a|.*|" ]
> Would you modify the info to reflect the 'modified' filter rule? Also
> a note on mdadm with that info would be nicer!
> Regards.
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Ritesh Raj Sarraf | http://people.debian.org/~rrs
Debian - The Universal Operating System

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