Package: sponsorship-requests
Severity: normal

Dear mentors,

I am looking for a sponsor for my package "vkd3d":

* Package name : vkd3d
Version : 1.2-6.1
Upstream Author : [fill in name and email of upstream]
* URL :
* License : LGPL-2.1+
* Vcs :
Section : libs

It builds those binary packages:

libvkd3d-doc - Direct3D 12 to Vulkan translation - documentation
libvkd3d-headers - Direct3D 12 to Vulkan translation - header files
libvkd3d-dev - Direct3D 12 to Vulkan translation - development files
libvkd3d1 - Direct3D 12 to Vulkan translation - library
libvkd3d-utils1 - Direct3D 12 to Vulkan translation - utilities library
libvkd3d-shader1 - Direct3D 12 to Vulkan translation - shader library
vkd3d-demos - Direct3D 12 to Vulkan translation - demos
vkd3d-compiler - Direct3D 12 to Vulkan translation - shader compiler

To access further information about this package, please visit the following URL:

Alternatively, one can download the package with dget using this command:

dget -x

Changes since the last upload:

vkd3d (1.2-6.1) unstable; urgency=medium
* Non-maintainer upload.
* Disable tests since it fails with mesa-vulkan-drivers.
- Bug reported upstream :
* Delete requirement of mesa-vulkan-drivers before version 21.


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