
Am Thu, Dec 23, 2021 at 11:03:56AM -0500 schrieb M. Zhou:
> I've just finished my final exams so I could do something during
> the holiday.

Great.  Hope you finished the exams successfully. ;-)

> That TBB repository is still work-in-progress and
> FTBFS from the master branch is something expected. I will finalize
> it soon. Andreas said in previous posts that we prefer a faster
> NEW queue process. I understand that but we cannot bypass NEW process
> this time as upstream has bumped the SONAME. So I'm changing the
> source name as well following the upstream since NEW is inevitable.

In this case for sure it sounds sensible to change name together
with SONAME.
> As for llvmlite, the latest upstream RC release v0.38.0rc1 seems
> to support python 3.10 . Should I upload the RC release?

I'm not very deeply involved in this but from my gut feeling I'd
say go for it if it bears the chance to move away some blockers.
> BTW, what else should I do? I've been out of sync from the mailing
> list for a long while.

May be python-sklearn could need some helping hands[1] which I
did not managed despite I had put it on my agenda.

Kind regards


[1] https://lists.debian.org/debian-science/2021/12/msg00006.html


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