Hello Jesse,
hello Mark,
On Wed, Dec 22, 2021 at 01:34:36PM -0400, Jesse Smith wrote:
> Definitely. Thank you Helge and Mark for sending along this patch. It
> has been applied upstream and will appear in sysvinit-3.02.

In Debian we have the situation that some man pages are shipped by
several packages. This is fine for the english versions, as there the
alternatives mechanism takes care of this.

For translated man pages this is not possible (at least currently), so
as manpages-l10n we have to decide which upstream to follow. 

Until now we chose System-V over Systemd. However, this bug report
showed that this causes confusion and I will ask manpage-l10n upstream
to switch Debian to Systemd as well.

Since all other distributions we support already use the Systemd
version, this means the translations we currently have we vanish for
Sysv-Init users if nothing else happens. (#3 below)

I can propose three courses of action, in the order of my preference:

1. Sysv core adopts po4a and includes the translation framework as
   well as the translations (see below for the overview). I will
   provide you help on this (in January), probably Mario (the upstream
   maintainer of manpage-l10n) might give you some help as well. Then
   the man pages will keep up to date (see rationale in 2) and more
   translators / languages can be easily integrated, if translators
   pop up.

2. Sysv adopts the current translations in the state they are. They
   will go more and more outdated, e.g. they will not receive the
   update form this bug report and get more and more useless for non
   native speakers. Better than nothing, but only slightly. Please not
   that even no not all translations are 100%, but missing pieces are
   shown in English and if less than 80% is translated, then the
   entire page is in english (all handled automatically in solution 1,
   shown above).

3. Sysv ignores translated man pages. They will disappear in ~ 3
   months, once manpages-l10n will release the next version which then
   will only carry the systemd versions.

As of today, we have the following (partial) translations of SystemV
man pages:

fstab-decode.8: French
init.8: German, Polish, French, Spanish
init-d-script.5: French
initscript.5: German, Polish, French, Spanish
inittab.5: German, Hungarian, Polish, French, Spanish
killall5: Polish, French, Spanish
pidof.8: Polish, French, Spanish
shutdown.8: German, Polish, Indonesian, French, Spanish
startpar.1: French

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask.

Also please let me know your preferred course of action.



      Dr. Helge Kreutzmann                     deb...@helgefjell.de
           Dipl.-Phys.                   http://www.helgefjell.de/debian.php
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