
On Wed, Dec 22, 2021 at 11:26:58PM +0100, Andrea Pappacoda wrote:
> Those extra headers should definitely get included in the package, I
> did not notice that the CMake script installs only [1] date.h :/

(Perhaps a bit overkill here, but if it is reasonably easy to do, try
 to build a test program as an autopkgtest. Perhaps even the testsuite.
 As a bonus you get faster transitions to testing.)

> I'll patch this in the next revision! It will probably come after the
> holidays though, as I'll busy studying / fixing my mail server /
> partying.

No problem – as somewhat evident by my own reply delay:
A late happy festive days & an upcoming happy new year!
(if applicable)

I work on/use that program once in a year and that was before I reported
this here, so it isn't super urgent to begin with 😉 (it is generating
an ods file for a friend who records daily business statistics in it
[which are then summed up by week and month] – not rocket science, but
wiring 12 months by hand in Libreoffice is just too error prune/tedious).

> Regarding the r-cran-tzdb package, you see my (short) discussion with
> its maintainer in #998331 [2]

Ah, okay. Thanks for discussing it already!

(I tend to be in the "no-embeds" camp, but I see how people can disagree
 on that and this embed in particular isn't so bad to really object)

> As for sponsoring, it would of course be nice, but in the meantime I'd
> like you to ask a quick question about this package: do you think that
> packaging it under libhowardhinnant-date-dev was a good idea? Because
> I patched the project to install CMake config files with the
> "howardhinnant-date" name instead of just "date", but its headers
> still get installed to paths like "date/date.h". My reasoning for this
> was to not pollute the global namespace with such a general name, but
> I also wanted to not break projects correctly including date/date.h.

Yeah, I think it is fine as is. "date" really would have been a bit
short as a package name beside that nobody would know what the package
contains as there are a gazillion things named 'date' (including the
command itself…). Making a package name shorter/more generic is an easy
rename usually, so if it turns out that the world expects it to have
another name that is easy to do. Removing a name conflict on the other
hand tends to be a huge pain for maintainers and users alike: Prior
"art": node (JS and amateur radio), chromium (browser and game),
firebird (browser and database – upstream renamed to firefox quickly), …
So, if that can be avoided, that is a service to everyone.

It is still a very generic term even in /usr/include, but I assume that
at this point nobody in the C/C++ community will try to claim it and
having the same name as upstream here has clear benefits while renaming
would probably mean additional work/patches for every user. So that is
a bridge you better think about crossing only if there is a need. ☺

Best regards

David Kalnischkies

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