
> it would be even better if lintian provided up-to-date data.

Tracker.d.o relies on a traditional batch file called qa-list.txt. [1]
In the past, I had to generate it via UDD [2] because the Lintian
database (on puny, non-DSA hardware) had too little memory to run the

Updating UDD became harder when Lintian started to update its database
dynamically, for example to illustrate bug fixes. Like tracker.d.o,
UDD uses a batch system for imports, while the Lintian website does
everything on demand. [3] It is not possible to feed partial updates
to UDD.

I finally found a benevolent donor for Lintian's database and can now
run the query, but lintian.d.o lacks the installation prerequisites.
Unfortunately, DSA has been too busy to work on it, and just told me
so last week. It might help if you could lean on them to please
process RT#8721.

At a minimum, we need ghc and cabal-install. Thanks!

Kind regards
Felix Lechner

[1] https://lintian.debian.org/static/qa-list.txt
[2] https://udd-mirror.debian.net/
[3] https://lintian.debian.org/query

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