Source: python3-lexicon
Version: 3.3.17-1
Severity: normal

Hi Ana!

I've informally started work packaging a Certbot plugin for Dynu (DDNS
provider); however, Lexicon 3.3.17 doesn't support Dynu.  I wasn't
able to discover what version introduced support for Dynu by verifying
the upstream changelog, so I've selected the current upstream version
which I've informally supports Dynu--with a quick silversearcher-ag

Unfortunately the update doesn't appear to be trivial.  Python3-bs4
appears as a new requirement, and if I understand the build output
correctly Oracle's Oci is now also needed (or the test needs to be
disabled).  I've CCed the DPT in case other people are interested in
working on this, or any of the other potentially NEW deps; they may
only be necessary for unit tests and since pyproject.toml indicates
they're optional I suspect they're optional runtime deps.

Happy new year!

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