On Thu, 06 Jun 2019 10:56:07 +0100, Dominic Hargreaves wrote:

> Per our new policy[1], we'll remove this after July if no new
> upstream update appears.
> [1] <https://perl-team.pages.debian.net/policy.html#Dual-lived_Modules>

Looks like this hasn't happened :)

I came to this bug as ExtUtils::ParseXS 3.44 was released yesterday.

So the current situation is:

We have libextutils-parsexs-perl 3.350000-1 in unstable.

For ExtUtils::ParseXS in perl core we have

  v5.32.1    3.40      
  v5.34.0    3.43      
  v5.35.0    3.43      
  v5.35.1    3.43      
  v5.35.2    3.43      
  v5.35.3    3.43      
  v5.35.4    3.44      
  v5.35.5    3.44      
  v5.35.6    3.44      
  v5.35.7    3.44      

This means we could upload 3.44(0000) to unstable, and after the
transition to 5.34 this would still be ok, and after the migration to
5.36 in a couple of months we'd be in the same situation as now.

If I understand it correctly, ExtUtils::ParseXS is one of those
dual-lifed modules which are primarily maintained in perl core, and
then also released to the CPAN (ideally when a new perl is releaesed,
right now a couple of months later), which means that there probably
won't by any release where CPAN precedes perl core.

If this understanding is correct, than keeping libextutils-parsexs-perl
as a separate package doesn't make a lot of sense (it will only be
newer in the window between new upstream perl releases and our
migrations in Debian), and I propose to remove it.


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