On 1/9/22 19:06, Andres Salomon wrote:

On 1/9/22 02:27, Andres Salomon wrote:
On 1/9/22 00:56, Andres Salomon wrote:

On 1/8/22 15:57, Mattia Rizzolo wrote:
On Thu, Jan 06, 2022 at 02:55:20AM -0500, Andres Salomon wrote:
If you want to try with chromium 97; it now builds as an official build, so
those DCHECKs shouldn't even be compiled in. It also supports wayland
automatically, in case that's related to your slowdowns.

I wanted to do this, but could it be that this version is for some
reason taking much more space than the previous one?  Here I have ~40 GB
free, and v96 built just fine (though I wasn't looking when it was
running), but now this failed already twice due to ENSPC.

I'll try looking for someplace more spacy but it's odd :)

Yeah, I think it's the debugging info; it's also breaking lld. It's a result of enabling official build, I'm working on it.

In debian/rules, along with is_official_build=true, you can set symbol_level=#. With is_official_build=false (which is the way it used to build), it used level 0. The default for is_official_build=true is level 2, which results in a lot more space (it used 50gb on my last build) and also means I run out of ram linking the final chrome binary on my 8gb build machine.

I'm not sure what we should use, as I'm not sure if 0 will break any of the dbgsym packaging yet. I'm currently trying a build with symbol_level=1.

Fedora doesn't set it, and instead manually patches BUILD.gn to -g0. Ungoogled-chromium sets it to 1. Arch sets it to 0 if strip is set. Mint sets it to 0.

Here's (sid) binaries with symbol_level=0, if anyone would like to test them out: https://people.debian.org/~dilinger/chromium/.

Btw, https://salsa.debian.org/dilinger/chromium/-/tree/stable is my branch with cleaned-up commits. That's what I'll use for the NMU, which I'm preparing now.

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