Control: reopen -1
Control: found -1 3.21.8+dfsg0-2

On Mon, 2022-01-10 at 20:54 +0000, Brian Potkin wrote:

> Use of our limited, volunteer supported resources is best served by not
> keeping open inactive bugs any longer than desirable, especially in
> cases where the package concerned is older than the current stable
> Debian version and upstream support has been limited. Consequently, the
> report is now being closed.

This is not very respectful of our users and social contract.

Users should be given the opportunity to reproduce old bugs before they
are summarily closed without any attempt at reproducing them. Old bugs
are extremely likely to still be present, them being open usually means
no-one bothered to look at and fix them, at least in my experience.

The social contract states that we should not hide bugs. Closing old
bugs without attempting to verify if they are fixed or giving users the
opportunity to do so is definitely hiding bugs.

When the bug is trivial to verify if it is still present or not,
you should at very least run the two commands needed to do that:

$ chronic apt source hplip
$ find -iwholename '*expect*'

Please also notify the security team of the embedded copy:


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