Control: forwarded -1

On Fri, 23 Jul 2021 19:44:08 +0000 (UTC) Thorsten Alteholz wrote:

> According to upstreams security advisory [1] CVE-2021-32749 only affects 
> systems where the mail utility from the mailutils package is installed.
> The recommended fix [2] is to add a new parameter "-E" to the invocation 
> of mail. Unfortunately this fix breaks other implementations of mail,
> especially the version from package bsd-mailx. Thus upstream recommends in 
> the Workaround section of the advisory to only manually patch the
> systems where the mailutils-mail is used.
> According to popcon the numbers of systems where mailutils-mail and 
> bsd-mailx-mail are used is about even. So applying upstreams fix now 
> breaks about half of the systems using fail2ban.
> The corresponding upstream bug #3069 [3] did not get any attention yet.

The bug got forwarded to mailutils upstream and fixed there by
disabling the escape sequence in non-interactive situations.

The next step is for fail2ban to revert the workaround for the
appropriate versions of mail, I've suggested how that they should do
that on the upstream bug #3059.


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