Source: dpkg-repack
Version: 1.49
Severity: important
Control: affects -1 + dose-builddebcheck

Hi Guillem,

dose-repack's Build-Depends now contain a Build-Profile with a slash.
That's possibly an experiment for a dpkg time travel fix and possibly an
accident. Please clarify.

The most direct effect is breaking dose-builddebcheck:

The applications raised this exception : Dose_common.Format822.ParseError(_, 
"Build-Depends", "Field Build-Depends has a wrong value: 'debhelper-compat (= 
13), libtest-strict-perl <!nocheck>, libtest-perl-critic-perl 

As a consequence, rebootstrap and debcheck
( are broken.
Given that the autobuilder is stuck on 1.48, I guess it also broke

$Something will have to change. Either we revert the build profile or we
fix dose to handle this situation. This bug can be reassigned to the
proper place if necessary, but it tracks the need for change.


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