On Sun, Apr 30, 2006 at 09:01:05AM +0300, George Danchev wrote:
> I'm not sure what you mean here, but Debian already has several tools to 
> build, test and improve debian source packages. Just to name a few ... 
> starting from [ the bare apt-get build-dep && --build, several 
> <SCM>-buildpackage, debuild, pbuilder, apt-src, sbuild and probably several 
> unofficials like apt-fu ... and ending with the famous 
> wanna-build/buildd/sbuild infrastructure along with dak ]

apt-build's main purpose is about recompiling packages with gcc
optimization flags.
However, it is designed to be an apt-get like tool. None of the software
you quoted can pretend to be as simple as apt-get (maybe apt-src).
apt-build tries to.

> These are really no good reasons and probably a loose bait, I doubt there is 
> something or someone to kick out ;-)

Hey, just kidding. :-)

> Again I'm not sure what the definition 
> of source based distro is and what is Debian lacking exactly ;-) IMHO having 
> tools to build the distro source packages implies being a source based 
> distro, but Debian has always has such tools and infrastructures. I really 
> can't think of other distribution on the Earth with so many build tools.

I cleary agree. But today, we have a simple tool called apt-get to
install a binary package but none to build && install a source
package, furthermore, with optimized compilation flags.
This is what apt-build is about: compiling and installing Debian
sources on the fly, as simply as apt-get do it for binary packages, or
emerge for Gentoo.

Julien Danjou
.''`.  Debian Developer
: :' : http://julien.danjou.info
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