Hi Ximin--

thanks for the followup.

On Tue 2022-02-08 15:50:31 +0000, Ximin Luo wrote:
> Is your issue simply this? https://github.com/rust-lang/cargo/issues/7769

I think if this were fixed, then i could probably convince the sequoia
upstreams to mark the optional-dependency features as non-public,
leaving only their explicit, outwardly-defined features.  They're pretty
committed to API stability and they understand these details.

> If so please close this bug as invalid, since it is not debcargo's 
> responsibility.

While cargo closing that bug would solve my specific problem (after i
convince the relevant upstreams to do the work to think it through), I
don't think that's the only way to solve it, and i also don't think it
solves the general problem.

Even if the rust ecosystem were to allow packages to offer non-public
features, there are still situations where public features could be
aliased to one another, and debcargo would need to choose one or the
other of them as a name for the feature package.  It should do this in a
deterministic way, both for simplicity and reliability, and to avoid
unnecessary churn through NEW.


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