Control: reassign -1 less
Control: found -1 487-0.1
Control: found -1 590-1
Control: retitle -1 less: with option -R, the escape sequences should be sent 
in an atomic way so that they are not broken by stderr
Control: tags -1 upstream - wontfix

On 2020-01-30 21:21:03 -0500, Thomas Dickey wrote:
> So... (see my previous message), there's no way for xterm (or any terminal)
> to distinguish your shell's stdout from stderr.  There's only the usual
> solution, which assumes that applications which spit out both will do
> fflush's to keep the two in sync.

Indeed. Reassigning to less, which knows about the valid escape
sequences when option -R is used, so that it could ensure that
they are sent in an atomic way. The problem would still exist
with -r, but this option is already strongly discouraged.

Vincent Lefèvre <> - Web: <>
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Work: CR INRIA - computer arithmetic / AriC project (LIP, ENS-Lyon)

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