Dear Martin.

I'm sorry.
Please go ahead.
Kouhei Maeda <mkouhei at {,}>
 KeyID 4096R/B8F286F62206360F7D4108172E8162547E37CE41

2022年1月30日(日) 18:51 Martin <>:

> Dear Kouhei Maeda,
> one of my packages, libervia-backend resp. salutatoi, depends on
> shortuuid and due to bug #1002445 of 2021-12-22 in shortuuid it will be
> removed from testing soon.
> If you don't have the time to fix the bug right now, I could make an NMU
> (non-maintainer upload), but I wonder, if it would be better to move the
> package to the "Debian Python Team"? That would allow many people to
> make changes, whenever necessary. You would remain in charge of the
> package, of course.
> Please, if you don't mind, just send me a short note "go ahead", and I
> would move the package to the team, fix the bug and update it!
> Many thanks in advance!
> Cheers, Martin

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