Le 01/04/2022 à 14:25, Yadd a écrit :


problem description:
  * Env:
    * I'm using a Yubikey to store my GPG key
    * I'm using a certificate to access to tracker.debian.org
    * I'm running a Debian testing without local changes
  * User-Story:
    * when I alternately access TDO and use my YB, the pcscd process
      hangs, consumes a lot of CPU and blocks Firefox. As soon as I kill
      the pcscd process, Firefox starts working again

Maybe you have a conflict between GnuPG and pcscd.
See https://ludovicrousseau.blogspot.com/2019/06/gnupg-and-pcsc-conflicts.html

Tell me if that fixed your issue.


Dr. Ludovic Rousseau

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