Timo Aaltonen kirjoitti 9.4.2022 klo 16.01:
Troy Telford kirjoitti 9.4.2022 klo 10.13:
Package: sssd
Version: 2.6.3-2
Severity: important

Dear Maintainer,

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After upgrading, sssd wouldn't run - running in interactive/debug mode was somewhat helpful: 'sssd -i -d1' would give the message: (2022-04-09  0:45:09): [sssd] [ldb] (0x0010): WARNING: Module [memberof] not found - do you need to set LDB_MODULES_PATH?

This eventually lead to a search for memberof.so, which is in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ldb/modules/ldb/memberof.so

As hinted at, setting LDB_MODULES_PATH="/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ldb/modules/ldb" before running 'sssd -i -d1' allowed sssd to run.

I was able to apply a workaround by simply modifying the various systemd unit files (sssd-autofs.service sssd-nss.service sssd-pam.service sssd-ssh.service sssd-ifp.service sssd-pac.service sssd.service sssd-sudo.service in my case) to add:

Then I ran 'systemctl daemon-reload; systemctl start sssd' and I am back up and running. I'm pretty sure there's a better way to inform the binaries where the LDB_MODULES_PATH is than having to update the environment modules at runtime -- I've definitely forgotten it, though. I also wouldn't be surprised if I may need to do something similar for the socket unit files for systemd -- but it's late & I'm tired...

The reason if fails is probably that libldb got a new version and sssd needs a rebuild. Could you try building the current package against current samba?

oh well, it actually fails to build now, so I need to fix that anyway


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