Dear Dirk,

Am 11.04.22 um 16:13 schrieb Dirk Eddelbuettel:

On 11 April 2022 at 16:00, Paul Menzel wrote:
| Thank you very much for these suggestions. It looks like schroot
| requires root privileges. But it’s a nice fallback alternative to still
| use the Debian packages.

So does Docker if you wrap Docker around a base R image. It's a seriously
important technology, I cannot recommend enough that you look into it.

Yes. In this case, it might be too big a hammer. Being able to install packages to a different root, and having a way to manipulate the PATH with a wrapper script R-4.1 or so, might be in the end less complicated.

GNU Guix, though not using Debian packages but packages the things itself, seems to be able to do that.

| > | Dirk (the r-base maintainer), has probably other good (and more modern)
| >
| > Both 'simpler' (just pick a directory, and point to it via $PATH or 
| > this what R Core does) or 'fancier' via Docker.  It all works.
| Unfortunately, my search engine foo failed me to find 'simpler' and
| 'fancier'. It’d be awesome if you could point me to the project pages.

"How to use Docker with R" gets me 35 million hits on Google.  I have a
number of blog posts on it (search with 'site:') as
well as talks and slides.  Maybe start with this from a (virtual) talk in

I think, I see the misunderstanding. I thought the single quotes meant, that *simpler* and *fancier* are commands for the mentioned purposes – which made sense to me, as the end both on *r* (simpleR and fancieR). Now I think they are just adjectives?

| Thank you for the hint. In the future, I am going to direct my question
| there.

Please do.

I am closing this now.

Yes, thank you.

Kind regards,


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