
I had the same issue when building a package with a system interpreter:
sysconfig module reports incorrect paths (pointing to `site-packages`
instead of `dist-packages`).
The culprit seems to be that it thinks that
> Current installation scheme: "posix_prefix"
instead of `deb_system`.
That, in turn, looks to be an issue with `_get_default_scheme()`
implementation in `patches/sysconfig-debian-schemes.diff` which
depends on environment variable `DEB_PYTHON_INSTALL_LAYOUT`.
The only reference I found is a changelog entry stating that this is
indeed a desired behavior.

But I wonder why?
It is inconsistent with distutils behavior.
It does not refer to (quoting sysconfig module docstring)
> Python’s configuration information like the list of installation paths and 
> the configuration variables relevant for the current platform
In current form it is essentially irrelevant.



Ievgen Popovych

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