Hello Peter,

Am 11.04.22 um 20:31 schrieb Peter Gerber:

Dear Maintainer,

After updating from 1:91.7.0-2~deb11u1 to 1:91.8.0-1~deb11u1 my PGP key
disappeared from the OpenPGP Key Manager and can no longer be imported.
I verified this on a second machine and the key was still there before
the upgrade and could also be imported properly. This changed after

Steps to reproduce:

1. In menu, select "Tools" → "OpenPGP Key Manager"
2. "edit" → "Import Key from URL" [1]
3. An error is shown


I suspect it's related to it being an BrainpoolP512r1 ECC key which
happens to be rather uncommon. I've not checked if any other keys are

this seems to be clearly an upstream issue and not by a Debian change related introduced problem. In fact the packaging of Thunderbird hasn't changed at all since 91.7.0.

The modifications since 91.7.0 done by MZLNA can be found here in this URL:


Could you please submit an upstream bug report and give back the URL to the bug report so we can link the issues together. In my opinion it's not helpful if I would work as man in the middle, especially once upstream will ask some questions I can't really answering.

The issue tracker from Mozilla can be found here




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