On Wed, Apr 20, 2022 at 03:31:13PM +0100, Matthew Vernon wrote:

> ===Begin Resolution A
> The Technical Committee overrides the util-linux maintainer, and requires
> that util-linux's rename should be shipped as /usr/bin/rename.ul in a binary
> package built from src:util-linux. The package containing rename.ul must not
> conflict with the rename package nor divert /usr/bin/rename.
> ===End Resolution A
> ===Begin Resolution B
> The Technical Committee overrides the util-linux maintainer, and requires
> that util-linux's rename should be shipped in a binary package built from
> src:util-linux. If this package Conflicts with the rename package, then it
> must not contain any other binaries.
> ===End Resolution B
> ===Begin Resolution N
> None of the above
> ===End Resolution N

Sorry for the delay.

I vote: A > N > B

Niko Tyni   nt...@debian.org

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