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30 avril 2022 00:17 "Axel Beckert" <> a écrit:
> Didier 'OdyX' Raboud wrote:
>> With 0.4.2, after noticing my directories didn't get symlinked, I tried to
>> run unburden-home-dir by hand and I got the following error(s) (with or
>> without -F):
> Thanks for the bug report!
>> WARNING: Can't handle /home/didier/.cache: /tmp/.unburden-didier/cache not 
>> equal
>> /run/user/1000/.unburden-didier/cache at /usr/bin/unburden-home-dir line 
>> 245, <$list_fh> line 2
> This basically means that to wants symlink files elsewhere than before.
>> I haven't spent much time investigating; as works for me now.
>> Anything I could do to help?
> The output of "env | fgrep XDG_" might be helpful.

Here comes (that's on my other local user 'diidier'):

$ env | fgrep XDG

> The weird thing is that there weren't any changes which explains that
> out of the box:
> (…)
> Then again, I noticed this, too, on one of my hosts. I thought I might
> have toyed with a non-standard config for testing one of the changes
> mentioned above and just uncommented this line in
> /etc/unburden-home-dir to make it work again:

According to etckeeper, this went commented (and still is) on the upgrade from 
0.3.3 to 0.4.

> (But before you do the same change, please read until the end of this
> mail and do "stat" that file.)
> Actually this looks a bit like a result of this commit from 2015 between
> 0.3.3 and 0.4:
> commit 65f632b73c7a78e6f30aae143eebb95e5bb15866
> Author: Axel Beckert <>
> Date: Sun Jul 5 01:43:27 2015 +0200
> Don't set TARGETDIR in config by default but compute a sane
> default value
> The default value is determined as follows:
> - Use $TARGETDIR if set in the configuration file.
> - Else use $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/$UID if it exists.
> - Else use /run/user/$UID if it exists.
> - Else use $TMPDIR if it exists.
> - Else use /tmp/.
> Requires new runtime dependency libfile-slurp-perl.
> For coverage computation, the test suite is run twice, once with
> and once without $TMPDIR and $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR being set.
> Closes: #780387
> So I wonder if for some reason the /etc/unburden-home-dir conffile got
> updated this time while it didn't get update with quite a lot of
> previous updates.
> Can you also send me the output of "stat /etc/unburden-home-dir" in
> case you didn't edit it since the update.

$ LANG=C stat /etc/unburden-home-dir
  File: /etc/unburden-home-dir
  Size: 119             Blocks: 2          IO Block: 1024   regular file
Device: fd01h/64769d    Inode: 34780       Links: 1
Access: (0644/-rw-r--r--)  Uid: (    0/    root)   Gid: (    0/    root)
Access: 2022-05-02 08:44:06.000000000 +0200
Modify: 2016-05-13 03:15:21.000000000 +0200
Change: 2016-05-15 19:21:02.000000000 +0200
 Birth: -

What I don't understand is why the symlinks currently point to /tmp, why it 
wants to change them to /run/user/… now, and why it cannot "go through" that 
change now. Refusing to update the symlinks seems overly defensive, isn't it?



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