Finally managed to write a patch. This patch applies ok on mod-gnutls
0.9.0 and not sure if it will work for buster.

Atte. Félix Arreola
Firmado con GPG 0x1e249ee4
Author: Félix Arreola Rodríguez <>
Date: Thu, 5 Jun 2022 10:42:46 -0500
Subject: Fix a loop caused by timeout if mod_reqtimeout is enabled

When mod_reqtimeout is enabled, when mod_gnutls tries to read from
the previous apr_bucket, it returns a timeout. Mod_gnutls handles
incorrectly this timeout as a EAGAIN, causing to forever loop
and consumes 100% CPU on the current apache process.
diff --git a/src/gnutls_io.c b/src/gnutls_io.c
--- a/src/gnutls_io.c
+++ b/src/gnutls_io.c
@@ -269,6 +269,17 @@ static apr_status_t gnutls_io_input_read
                 ap_log_cerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_TRACE2, ctxt->input_rc, ctxt->c,
                               "%s: looping recv after '%s' (%d)",
                               __func__, gnutls_strerror(rc), rc);
+                if (APR_STATUS_IS_TIMEUP (ctxt->input_rc)) {
+                	/* Timeout by mod_reqtimeout, bye bye */
+                	ap_log_cerror(APLOG_MARK,
+                            APLOG_INFO,
+                            ctxt->input_rc,
+                            ctxt->c,
+                            "GnuTLS: Timeout reading data. (%d) '%s'",
+                            rc,
+                            gnutls_strerror(rc));
+                    break;
+                }
                 /* For a blocking read, loop and try again
                  * immediately. Otherwise just notify the caller. */
                 if (ctxt->input_block != APR_NONBLOCK_READ)

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