
On 31.05.22 10:14, Robert Greener wrote:
The goal of this package is to distribute the standard Time Zone Database in a 
cabal package, so that it can be used in Haskell programs uniformly on all 

This package currently ships the 2022a version of the time zone database. The 
version of the time zone database shipped is always reflected in the version of 
this package: x.y.YYYYMMDD.z, then YYYYMMDD is the official release date of 
time zone database.
I'm not sure further proliferation of this data that needs updating frequently is helpful. Is there any way this data could instead be read from disk - i.e. the from the existing tzdata package?

This would add up to the load of all the various packages of various languages that already need updating with every tzdata release.

Kind regards
Philipp Kern

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