Chris Lamb wrote:

> I'm almost certain that this is related to the fix for #1005787 which
> is not present in that "old" version.

Ah, my mistake: I think it's due to the Debian packaging reverting to
using the bundled version of Lua over the Debian-provided one. (This
is needed due to it having additional security features needed to
address CVE-2022-24735 and CVE-2022-24736.)

This means it is not finding the Debian version of or under /lib. It works with
the Lua modules that we don't try and use the Debian version of, for

  $ redis-cli EVAL "cmsgpack.pack({})" 0

I suspect there is some kind of require/import path that needs to be
adjusted for the bundled Lua (which is preconfigured to point under
/lib for Debian's shipped Lua). Or, we might have to revert entirely to
using the bundled cjson and bitop modules. :(


     : :'  :     Chris Lamb
     `. `'` 🍥

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